Chap.20 Finaly a used brain (2)

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⚠So everyone are alive, the story may or may not contain some oc's⚠

(......) I talk

(......) Quotes of the characters / Oc

(??? ~ ...) Characters / Oc are talking

(??? ~ " ... " ) Characters / Oc are thinking


⚠ The following draws aren't mine ⚠


" Betrayal answers betraya , the mask of love is answered by the disappearance of love . " From Albert Camus

Newcomers' P.O.V :

Two boys were rushing to their friend's house. The one with long ink-black hair had trouble waking up this morning, making them late. Upon arrival, they stood at the front door for a few minutes without knocking or ringing the bell. Just as the blond boy was about to ring, they heard a girl's voice singing. They walked toward the window from which the sound was coming.

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??????? ~ Oh, the delightful image that greets my reflection in the mirror. What a serene goddess I appear to be ! 

she mused, a playful chuckle escaping her lips before she continued.

??????? ~ My plans have exceeded even my wildest expectations. Soon, I shall attain what I rightfully deserve, and all the spoils that come with it,

she declared with a confident smile.

With a flourish, she reached for her hand mirror and adorned herself with a lustrous blonde-green wig, concluding her small, self-indulgent performance.

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