Chap.13 Told you so

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⚠So everyone are alive, the story may or may not contain some oc's⚠

(......) I talk

(......) Quotes of the characters / Oc

(??? ~ ...) Characters / Oc are talking

(??? ~ " ... " ) Characters / Oc are thinking


" Love doesn't self - destruct . We choke it with unkind words . We starve it with empty promises . We poison it with toxic blame . We break it by tryong to bend it to our will . No , love doesn't die on it's own . We kill it Breath , by bitter breath . Wise are those who realize that they hold the fate of their love in their hands , and blessed are those who keep it alive . " From Unknow

Rebecca tearing up again and Mikey angrily said ,

Mikey ~ ... Takemichi, what did you do ?

Rebecca's eyes welled up with tears once again, and Mikey, a mixture of anger and concern, confronted Takemichi, demanding answers.

His voice trembling with emotion, Mikey said, 

Mikey ~ Takemichi, what did you do to her ?

Taken aback by the accusation, Takemichi's eyes widened with surprise and confusion as he protested, 

Takemichi ~ What? I didn't do anything!

Just then, they heard gasps from behind, and when they turned, they saw Hinata and Ema approaching.

Hinata walked straight towards Takemichi and slapped him, her eyes filled with tears. She yelled at him in frustration, 

Hinata ~ Takemichi, how could you! I know you don't like her, but that is not an excuse to hurt her! You went way too far!

Takemichi was stunned and touched his cheek where Hinata had slapped him, tears starting to form in his eyes.

Chifuyu stepped in to defuse the tension, his voice calm as he said, 

Chifuyu ~ Easy, Hinata. Let's not jump to conclusions,

Chifuyu was trying to restore some order to the situation.

He spoke again, addressing Rebecca, 

Chifuyu ~ Rebecca, do you have any proof of what you're saying?

Mikey was still furious and added, 

Mikey ~ Are you suggesting that Rebecca is a liar?

Chifuyu clarified, 

Chifuyu ~ I never said that! I just want to be sure of the facts...

All eyes turned to Rebecca, and she stammered, 

Rebecca ~ Ye-yeah... I actually do."

She showed them a picture on her phone, capturing the moment when Takemichi had allegedly punched her. The image was taken from a distance, but Takemichi was still recognizable.

Rebecca ~ I have other proof if needed ..

Chifuyu repplied to her surprised of the news 

Chifuyu ~ It won't be needed ... Rebecca .. but thank you ..

Takemichi looked around at everyone's disgusted expressions, and his tears flowed even more as he pleaded, 

Takemichi ~ I swear it never happened! I would never hit her!

Baji interjected 

Baji ~ But you don't disagree on the fact that you hate her!

Takemichi hesitated and panicked, saying, 

Takemichi ~ No, I don't actually hate her! But I do dislike her... Is there something wrong with disliking someone?

Mitsuya stepped forward and responded firmly, 

Mitsuya ~ Yes, it's wrong if the person you hate is a sweetheart and never did anything wrong to you or anyone else.

Takemichi insisted, 

Takemichi ~ Maybe .. but I would have never hit her...

His friends, the Mizu gang, and especially Hinata looked disappointed and disgusted. Mikey walked towards Takemichi and made a difficult decision, 

Mikey ~ Hanagaki Takemichi, you are now banned from Toman. I don't want to see you ever again.

Mikey walked away, and the others followed suit. Hinata angrily threw her necklace on the ground, declaring, 

Hinata ~ It's over between us, Takemichi!

She rushed to join the others, and even his best friend approached him with disappointment.

Akkun said, 

Akkun ~ Honestly, I'm very disappointed, Takemichi. Don't ever come to talk to us.

Makoto added, 

Makoto ~ Yeah, that wasn't cool, what you did, dude!

Yamagishi warned, 

Yamagishi ~ If you dare to talk or even look at Rebecca, we're going to beat you up!

They all turned their backs and left, leaving Takemichi standing alone. He fell to the ground, crying uncontrollably.

Suddenly, footsteps approached from behind, but Takemichi remained still, lost in his sorrow. A hand gently touched his shoulder, and a familiar voice said, 

????? ~ See, I told you so.



What will happen ?? What will Takemichi do ??? WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT ??? What will they do next ??? What will happen to them ??? What is happening with Takemichi ??? Who is the mysterious personn ??? What will Takemichi become ??? 

Well you will know it in the next chapter!!


Hey !! if you are here because of my first story or my others then HELLOOOO

hope you enjoy this story like the first one or like the others one , or did you liked this one?

Hope the chapter wasn't too short !! ( currently wrote 822 words )

Sorry if it's short but i didn't really knew what to write it :(

but till it HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT !! Little lector !

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