Chap.15 Uniforms

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⚠So everyone are alive, the story may or may not contain some oc's⚠

(......) I talk

(......) Quotes of the characters / Oc

(??? ~ ...) Characters / Oc are talking

(??? ~ " ... " ) Characters / Oc are thinking


" Be wise enough to walk away from the nonsense around you . " From Unknow

No one's P.O.V :

Today was just another usual day, another hangout with Toman. They had been waiting for Rebecca for at least 20 minutes, and Chifuyu was the first to express his concern.

Chifuyu ~ I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to get worried.

Kazutora, still half-asleep, pulled Chifuyu closer, prompting a roll of eyes from Baji, who chimed in.

Baji ~ Maybe she's just late, y'know? Taking care of herself must be time-consuming. I mean, I don't know, I just use soap for my hair and water for my face.

Mitsuya sighed and added, 

Mitsuya ~ But this is still very unusual of her. She is always at our meeting spot at exactly the time we choose to meet, or 2, 3 minutes before. She is never late.

Hakkai nodded in agreement with everything Mitsuya said, while Pah-chin grabbed some chips from his bag, trying to lighten the mood.

Pah-Chin ~ There's a first time for everything.

His attempt at humor elicited laughs from Peh-yan, Smiley, and Kazutora.

Baji, still bored, suddenly shouted, surprising his friends and everyone around them, 


Draken promptly slapped the back of Baji's head and said, 

Draken ~ No, we are not going to burn cars. Maybe Becca just got lost.

Chifuyu's worry escalated, and he teared up, voicing his concern, 

Chifuyu ~ Or maybe she is in trouble!

Kazutora grunted, bringing Chifuyu even closer and burying his head in Chifuyu's neck for comfort. Mikey, taking charge of the situation, tried to reassure everyone.

Mikey ~ Well, if that's the case, we'll just beat the crap out of them.

The group decided all together to go and search for Rebecca. After a few moments, they heard someone yelling in an alley. By the time they reached her, it was too late. The guys who were assaulting her had fled, leaving Rebecca battered and bruised.

Chifuyu ~ Rebecca, are you alright?

Rebecca was covered in scars and bruises, but she assured them, 

Rebecca ~ I'm alright, don't worry. 

before fainting. Mikey carried her in his arms like a princess, and they headed to Mikey's house since it wasn't too far from where they were .


Rebecca opened her eyes to find herself in an unfamiliar room. Chifuyu seeing that she just awaken he asked

Chifuyu ~ Rebecca, are you alright?

Rebecca, now wrapped in bandages and wearing different clothes, sat up on the bed, trying to piece together what had happened. She blushed when she noticed her attire had been changed, furiously she looked at Mikey who put his hand on the air and said

Mikey ~ I swear i'm not guilty ! It was Emma who changed your clothes and we weren't in the room while she was doing it .

When he was done talking Rebecca stopped to blush and everyone started to question her . Amidst the barrage of questions from everyone, Rebecca tried to calm them down.

Rebecca ~ Calm down, guys! One question at a time, please.

Mikey was the first to speak up.

Mikey ~ What happened?

Rebecca began to recount the incident.

Rebecca ~ I wasn't too far from our hangout spot when those guys tried to talk to me. When I realized I was going to be late, I ignored them and tried to turn away. Unfortunately, one of them grabbed me, and they dragged me into the alley... They wanted me to do things for them, but I refused, and they attacked me whenever I said no...

Everyone empathized with her, except for one person – Mikey. He was not feeling pity but anger. With his white eyes and a dark, cold aura, he asked a chilling question.

Mikey ~ Who did it?

Rebecca ~ I'm not really sure... all I know is that they were wearing red uniforms...

Mitsuya suggested that maybe they belonged to a gang and asked Rebecca 

Mitsuya ~ Rebecca , will you be capable of identify the gang that attacked you if i show you various gang uniforms ?

Rebecca hesitated but replied, 

Rebecca ~ Y-yeah, I think I will...

With a cold tone, Mikey declared, 

Mikey ~ We're going to beat the crap out of those little shits who dared to touch Rebecca, OUR Rebecca, the 6th division captain of Toman.

As everyone was about to leave, Rebecca suddenly yelled, 

Rebecca ~ WAIT!

All eyes turned to her as she continued, 

Rebecca ~ I think I remember something they said...

Curiosity filled the air as everyone looked at her intently.

Rebecca ~ I think they said their gang's name was... Tenjiku.



What will happen ?? What will Takemichi do ??? WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT ??? What will they do next ??? What will happen to them ??? What will Takemichi become ??? Where did Takemichi go ??? Which gang  attacked her ?? Will they beat the shit out of Tenjiku ?? Why did they attacked her ?? 

Well you will know it in the next chapter!!


Hey !! if you are here because of my first story or my others then HELLOOOO

hope you enjoy this story like the first one or like the others one , or did you liked this one?

Hope the chapter wasn't too short !! ( currently wrote 927 words )

but till it HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT !! Little lector !

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