Chap.17 Sunny days before the rain

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⚠So everyone are alive, the story may or may not contain some oc's⚠

(......) I talk

(......) Quotes of the characters / Oc

(??? ~ ...) Characters / Oc are talking

(??? ~ " ... " ) Characters / Oc are thinking


" Revenge is an act of passion ; vengeance of justice . Injuries are revenged ; crimes are avenged . " From Samuel Johnson

Toman's P.O.V :

It was almost the day of the battle, and for a week straight, Toman had been training hard. Everyone was putting in their best efforts, except for three people: Mikey, Draken, and Rebecca.

Mikey and Draken were standing on the sidelines, observing the intense training session. Meanwhile, Rebecca sat on her phone, seemingly disheartened. Suddenly, she ran towards Mikey and embraced him, seeking his attention. He turned to look at her, surprised by her sudden affection.

Rebecca ~ Mikeyy, why can't I train with the others? :(

Mikey chuckled and ruffled her hair gently, replying, 

Mikey ~ We've already discussed this, Becca. I can't risk you fighting with those brutal and cruel men, especially after what happened last time.

A hint of frustration appeared on Rebecca's face as she pouted. Mikey continued to comfort her, reassuring her that he would take care of her revenge. She blushed at his words.

Mikey ~ You won't need to get your hands dirty with blood. I'll handle your revenge, and trust me...

He gazed into her eyes, sending shivers down her spine.

Mikey ~ If anyone dares to displease me, they better be prepared because I will find them, even if they hide on Jupiter. They won't escape my wrath.

Suddenly, a blond-haired boy rushed toward Mikey, his forehead covered in sweat. He had been running for quite some time, evident from his red face and drenched appearance. Gasping for breath, he called out to Mikey.

Inui ~ Mikey! We have a big problem!

Tenjiku's P.O.V

At the opposite end of the city, far, very far from Toman, at the same time ,a group dressed in red uniforms had been training for a week, just like Toman, though their training was different. The red-uniformed group underwent harsher and more rigorous training, as if their lives were at stake. They had no choice; it was the desire of their leader, their king, who was cruel and remorseless. He would stop at nothing to achieve his goal, to obtain what he desired most. In fact, he would rather be the one to destroy his own goal, desire, or wish, rather than let someone else do it, finding it more enjoyable that way.

When I say he would do anything and everything, it's not an exaggeration; he has done it before and won't hesitate to do it again. He has destroyed lives and never once regretted it, well, except for one thing—he regrets getting caught.

As he walked through the crowd of people training, their exercises were well-organized, and they were divided into groups from A to F, where A trained with D, B with E, and C with F. The Executives were not participating in the training, but Mochi was still training Shion because the king knew how crucial it was to train him. Shion wasn't happy about it, but the king didn't care one bit.

Since Monday, they had been training, and the king spent his time either monitoring them, studying their strategies to come out as winners, or attending to other matters...

Suddenly, the king heard someone running, and he turned around to see his number two.

It was a boy with very short ink hair, a scar covering half of his head, and eyes that were different from each other. He bowed and said to the king with snow hair and amethyst eyes.

Kakucho ~ Izana-sama, they called me, asking for your next order. Oh, and a little someone is here, waiting for you.

The man with amethyst eyes replied,

Izana ~ You know exactly what to tell them.

The man with ink hair bowed. The snow-haired man's eyes twinkled and brightened as he ran off to another place, yelling,

Izana ~ LOVE, I AM COMING ♥.

Unknow's P.O.V

An unknown figure stood before a mirror, gently caressing and toying with their soft hair. In a sudden change of demeanor, a wicked smirk appeared on their face as they spoke with a delicate yet amused tone that could send shivers down anyone's spine who happened to be listening.

Unknown ~ Oh, dear, the time has almost come, and yet I still feel impatient. My very dear, soon, you will receive a lesson you have never learned before. Perhaps if you had learned it just a few weeks earlier, you could have avoided reaching this ruthless point.

The unknown figure burst into maniacal laughter before exiting the bathroom, leaving behind only faint traces of their presence and some pictures that were barely recognizable as such. Those pictures were now filled with drawings and cuts all over them.



What will happen ?? What will Takemichi do ??? WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT ??? What will they do next ??? What will happen to them ??? Where is Takemichi ?? Who is the unknow personn ?? Will you ever know who it is ?? Who is Izana lover ??? 

Well you will know it in the next chapter!!


Hey !! if you are here because of my first story or my others then HELLOOOO

hope you enjoy this story like the first one or like the others one , or did you liked this one?

Hope the chapter wasn't too short !! ( currently wrote 977 words )

Hi so i appologize but there won't be 4 chapters this week for an appolozige for not writing 2 chapters last week. Because if do, where would be the fun ? Why would i make you have less fun in ending it so soon ? I will just do 2 this week. Sorry not sorry.

but till it HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT !! Little lector !

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