Chap.22 The end of a bet

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⚠So everyone are alive, the story may or may not contain some oc's⚠

(......) I talk

(......) Quotes of the characters / Oc

(??? ~ ...) Characters / Oc are talking

(??? ~ " ... " ) Characters / Oc are thinking


" In the end we only regret the chance we didn't take . " From Unknow

Takemichi sported a sly grin, his eyes partially closed as he delved further into the narrative.

Takemichi ~ I had handed Izana my contact details, allowing him to reach out to me once his plan to test all of you was set in motion. Finally, after three days had passed, he made the call, and we arranged a meeting.

Narrator - Takemichi's P.O.V :

Takemichi found himself in the depths of the Tenjiku hideout, eagerly awaiting Izana's arrival. At long last, the door swung open, revealing Izana's entrance.

Izana ~ Hello, my love ♥

Takemichi sighed and responded.

Takemichi ~ Good afternoon, Izana.

Izana couldn't help but smirk, and he was accompanied by a girl with short, ink-black hair and striking pink eyes. She seemed quite intrigued and hadn't yet cast her gaze in Takemichi's direction.

Izana ~ Love, allow me to introduce Jessica.

Finally, Jessica's eyes met Takemichi's, and they sparkled with admiration. She rushed over to him, wrapping her arms around Takemichi while playfully pinching her own cheeks.

Jessica ~ AWWW, you're absolutely adorable.

Takemichi blushed, feeling somewhat embarrassed by the attention. Izana approached them, let out a sigh, and continued speaking.

Izana ~ She's an actress, a remarkably talented one, If i may say. She'll be the one to assess your dear friends.

He couldn't help but express his distaste when he referred to them as "dear friends."

End Narration - Takemichi's P.O.V :

Takemichi ceased smirking; his smile lacked warmth. He recollected the times he had tested his friends.

Like the occasion when he orchestrated the encounter between Jessica and Mikey.

Flashback :

Takemichi hid behind a wall as Jessica purposely drew the attention of undercover Tenjiku members, nearly subjecting herself to a perilous situation. After Mikey came to her rescue, she strolled towards the wall where Takemichi was concealed, deliberately displaying a look of disdain.

Jessica ~ Strong, yes. Smart? Not at all.

With a roll of her eyes, she dragged Takemichi away.

He also recalled his conversations with Jessica, or rather, Jessica's monologues about his friends following their initial meeting. She spoke ill of them, and Takemichi appeared distant, barely engaging with her words. He remembered the nights when she would call him to vent about how foolish and irritating his friends were, while he simply played the role of a passive listener.

He remembered the night he called her, having witnessed the Mizo gang and Hinata together. During that call, he asked her to coincidentally bump into him and Hinata while they were on a date to assess her loyalty. That very same night, he requested that she test all of them.

He remembered how she altered her appearance with makeup for a week, resulting in Takemichi's expulsion, and how they captured photos of Takemichi pretending to be violent towards Jessica. They snapped numerous pictures, ensuring that in each one, Takemichi was barely recognizable.

Even after his expulsion, she continued to call him every night, continuing her tirades against his friends.

His memories flowed uninterrupted until the present moment.

Takemichi let out a sigh, his gaze shifting to the members of Toman. With a smile on his face, he finally spoke.

Takemichi ~ Well, it doesn't matter anymore. After all, none of you mean anything to me now.

Chifuyu shouted through his tears.

Chifuyu ~ What do you mean?!

Takemichi chuckled and replied.

Takemichi ~ Even though I promised Izana I would remain loyal to him if I lost, you know what? Even if I hadn't, I still wouldn't want to see any of you ever again. You've shattered me in a way that surpasses anything you've done in the past.

Takemichi turned away, ready to leave, but Mikey's voice rang out.

Mikey ~ No, please, I- i need you... Takemitchy please...

Takemichi halted his steps but didn't glance back. He remained silent, waiting to hear what Mikey had to say.

Mikey ~ Please, forgive me... don't leave me... please.

Takemichi turned to look at Mikey, his eyes filled with pure, unbridled hatred, tinged with a mocking expression. He then continued walking away, joining forces with Tenjiku, Jessica, Inui, and the Black Dragon, leaving Toman behind.

The end


Hey !! if you are here because of my first story or my others then HELLOOOO

hope you enjoy this story like the first one or like the others one , or did you liked this one?

Hope you liked this last chapter! And that the chapter wasn't too short !! ( currently wrote 910 words )

I loved writing this story but like a great personne said ' everything must come to an end ' but don't worry i have a lot more story to write ! I really had fun to see your comments on some idiotic thing that i said or just saying that you liked it or just your theories !! I finaly had the strengh/Time to write the end, school is taking too much of my time so it became harder to write.. But i am happy that i finaly finished it !! I hope you all like the end 😅 and i also hope it doesn't feel to rushed...

Anyway i hope to see y'all soon on my other ( future ? ) story !

but till it HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT !! Little lector !

Hope to see you soon ♥

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