8. The flickering lights

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He hates me now. He surely hates me.

(Lights on)

Well what else do you expect Taehyung? After all you were the one who left him.

(Lights off)

But I had no other choice... I left him for his own good. I also didn't know he would me studying in the same university.

(Lights on)

What will he do now?

(Lights off)

I mean of course he won't come and cuddle you. You dumbo!

(Lights on)

Will he be like this with me the whole time?

(Lights off )

Why did he have to be in Jimin's friend group? Now we will have to see each other on a daily basis. Which means him boring holes into my soul everyday and making it difficult for me to even exist!

(Lights on)

Gosh it all will be so awkward... What if he has a boyfriend or girlfriend... Or he will start dating someone else in front of me?

(Lights off)

Will he ever get to know that I will die from severe heart break then?

(Lights on)

Taehyung's thoughts get interrupted by the ringing of the telephone kept in his hotel room.

He sighs as he lifelessly goes towards the coffee table to pick the call. His eyes are completely red and swollen and his throat has gone dry because of the crying session he had, hugging the only picture of Jeongguk he has, as soon as he came back from the university.

"Yes Kim Taehyung speaking." He says. His voice hoarse.

"Good evening sir. This is room service. One of the staff members saw the lights of your room going on and off from the window. We just wanted to ask if everything's okay with the lights of your room. Should we send an electrician to fix them if you want??"

Can Kim Taehyung's life get any more awkward?

"Ah... N-no...it's...it's ok...it was just... Um... Me...just me...playing with the lights? Haha...Um... Sorry... Thank you... Sorry... Bye"

He cuts the call.

I officially hate my life.

He face palms himself as falls backward on the bed... He is about to cry once again when he gets a call from Jin. So he controls himself from having another Niagara Falls from his eyes and gets up to pick the call.

"Yes Jin hyung" He says, his voice now a little normal.

"Taetaee!! How was your first day in the university sweety??" Jin asks excited to know about his friend's experience...

"It was good... All my teachers were good and encouraged me alot... And...I also made a new friend today... "

And so Taehyung narrates about his whole day to Jin, like a 5 year old telling their moms about their day in kindergarten. Well except he doesn't tell about the whole Jeongguk incident to him. He plans on revealing the whole thing when he will visit Jin's cafe.

Talking to Jin somewhat refreshes his mood but he still feels dizzy as he talks. So he reminds himself to take the pills kept in the cupboard before sleeping.

"Oh I forgot to tell you the reason why I called you first" Jin says between their talk.

"What is it hyungie?"

"You remember I told you about the lady who is giving her apartment on rent. Well she said that she has talked to one more person who is willing to share the apartment and distribute the rent in half. So she wants you to visit her tomorrow to see the apartment and also meet the to-be roommate once if you want... " Jin explains.

"Oh great then. You send me the address. I'll take the bus to the apartment after my classes get over. " Taehyung rubs his eyes as he feels sleepy. So he goes to the cupboard and takes out the medication. While doing so he yawns over the phone.

"You are sleepy Taehyung-ah. So take rest. I will call you later. Ok? " Jin says as he realizes that it must have been a long day for Taehyung. Well surely it was.

"Ok Jin hyung. Will talk to you later. Bye. Good night. " Taehyung replies and cuts the call. He goes to the table and pours a glass of water for himself. He takes the pills and swallows them along with water. Then he goes to his bed and just drops his body in the fluffy mattress. Sleep soon engulfs him.


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