39. Lover

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"Stopp Gukkieee" Taehyung whines to Jeongguk, who did not stop biting his cheeks, since they started watching the movie.

"Ok" Jeongguk says shortly, which was hard to believe, but he actually did stop.... Just to start tickling him. Taehyung leans his back laughing on the couch and Jeongguk gets on top of him, tickling the spots he very well knew would make Taehyung laugh the hardest. Jeongguk eventually stops after Taehyung tells him to in between his addicting laughs. He stares down at the mesmerising beauty of his lover and smiles before burying his face in the other's neck. His safe place.

Taehyung hums and strokes Jeongguk's hair with a content smiles. This is where he belonged... Right here. Right in this moment. He sighs at the lightheaded feeling in his mind when Jeongguk starts leaving soft kisses on the junction of his neck.

But... his heart felt heavy.

You may ask why? Everything was perfect... They both were together again... Then what?

Well even if Jeongguk forgave Taehyung and asked for no explanation at all... But still. No relationship can start or restart without transparency in it. And Taehyung wanted to be completely honest with Jeongguk. That's the least he can do to show that he loved him and trusted him with every vulnerable secret in this world. Jeongguk had to know. He deserved to know.

"Gukk" He says in a whisper. Jeongguk immediately looks up with slight wide eyes.

"What happened Tae? Did I hurt you somewhere?" He places his palm on the other's face to which Taehyung kisses his palm and leans into the touch with glossy eyes.

"No... how can you ever hurt me?" Taehyung smiles and caresses Jeongguk's cheeks.

"Then what happened baby? Why are your eyes glossy?" Jeongguk now sits up with Taehyung along with him on his lap. He wipes the tear that spilled from the other's beautiful eyes as Taehyung looks at him with adoration. This man in front of him deserved every happiness, every word of appreciation, every comfort. And Taehyung would now, with all of his might, do anything to provide that to Jeongguk. Because it's not every day that God gives you another chance to love. And he can never thank god enough to send Jeongguk as the missing piece to complete his puzzled life once again. His life was now complete...

"I- I love you so much Gukkie... Thank you... Thank you for everything" He closes his eyes and rests his forehead against Jeongguk's chest as tears of happiness stream down his face and Jeongguk wipes them, his own eyes now glossy.

"shhh... Why are you crying honey? I also love you so much... Thank you for coming back and be my life once again"

Taehyung was Jeongguk's life. With him, he was the happiest... He not only loved Taehyung but he lived him because every single one of the other's emotions was his own. When he was sad, Jeongguk was sad... When he was happy, Jeongguk was happy... When he was heartbroken, Jeongguk was heartbroken and when he was not there, every emotion of Jeongguk even seemed fake to him himself, just like it did in the past three years.

He hugs Taehyung tightly, stroking his hair and leaving occasional kisses on the other's cheeks.. For few minutes there were no words spoken or exchanged... but their heartbeats that were in sync as they hugged spoke everything, their tight hands wrapped around each other's body spoke everything and the comfortable silence between them with the feeling of each other's presence spoke everything.

After a while Taehyung looks back at Jeongguk, still in his arms. He was now ready to open up about the chapter in his life that he dreaded looking back at. The mere flashbacks of that time period frightens him to the core yet again and shiver runs down his spine. With a deep breathe he says, "Gukkie I-"

The doorbell rings startling both of them a bit. Jeongguk looks at the door (a bit frustrated because he didn't want to leave Taehyung) then at Taehyung before pecking other's lips.

"I will see who it is... wait..." He says and gets up placing Taehyung on the couch from his lap. Taehyung sighs... he wasn't able to tell Jeongguk. And looking at the time, 11:28 pm... maybe telling afterwards would be wise.

But that wouldn't let him affect his moments with Jeongguk. Not at any cost. And as his lover said, now they would live in present and make beautiful memories rather than grieving over the bitter ones.

Jeongguk comes back in after two minutes and puts his head on Taehyung's lap after lying on couch.

"Who was it?" Taehyung asks playing with Jeongguk's hairs.

"Our neighbour... He was saying that his family was putting on lights for thanksgiving in the corridor, so he asked that it was ok with us if they put some outside our home also"

"Ohh... You said yes right?" Taehyung says with a smile, now realizing that his favourite season full of festivals has come...

"Yes I did"

"And also we could hel-"

"Help them set the lights... yes I already said that to him" Jeongguk says and smiles, knowing very well how much Taehyung loved this time of the year.

Taehyung giggles and looks at Jeongguk, who looked really sleepy by the way his eyes closed every second...

"I think we should go to bed now... you sleepy bunny" He pinches the other's cheeks to which Jeongguk hums and gets up sleepily, making his way to their bedroom. Taehyung smiles and switches off the TV and also makes a beeline towards the bedroom. He enters in just to see Jeongguk already passed out on the bed.

He shakes his head with a smile and gets inside the blankets, also ready to sleep, but immediately feels two strong hands wrapping around his waist and pulling him towards their chest.

"I love you" Jeongguk whispers sleepily leaving a kiss on Taehyung's shoulder blade making all the blood rush to his cheeks. Taehyung bites his lips before turning around and kissing Jeongguk's forehead.

"I love you too" He says and snuggles into the warmth of his lover in this cold night of November. And they both swift to dreamland, in each other's arms.


No amount of words are enough to describe the masterpiece!! The vocals, the lyrics, the storyline, the acting, everything was top notch!! I literally cried in the end... they both portrayed every emotion so beautifully that you can't help but just watch the m/v over and over again!! ✨✨

 they both portrayed every emotion so beautifully that you can't help but just watch the m/v over and over again!! ✨✨

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I just loved every second of it!! Someone cast Taehyung in a K Drama alreadyyy😭😭

Do comment and vote if you liked the chapter!💜



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