40. The Basketball Match

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"COME ON JEONGGUK!! SHOW THEM WHAT WE HAVE GOT!!" Jimin screams on top of his lungs making Taehyung laugh, who was busy setting his camera for yet another picture. Today was the final basketball match for which their University's team had been practicing for and the journalism department collaborated with the photography department to cover various events taking place from now on. And Taehyung's team was given responsibility to cover this particular event of basketball.

The match started with their team lagging behind by 3 points to everyone's disappointment... But after half time they made an amazing comeback and now they lead by one point. Their team secures another point when Jeongguk shots a basket and the cheers in the small stadium go louder.

And the time gets over. They won. Taehyung smiles widely when he sees Jeongguk being praised by his teammates and immediately clicks a picture when they pick him up and cheer him.

The match ends and him, Jimin and Hoseok make their way to the ground where the team was huddled up in a circle and cheering at their win.

Jeongguk was elated and when he saw Taehyung walking towards him, his heart started beating wildly. He has experienced this feeling of victory before...in fact from the past 2 years their team has won many games but he always thought how would Taehyung feel seeing him win? What would he do if he was there? How will he cheer for him?

That's why when he saw the other walking to him with a proud smile, without any thought he rushes to him and engulfs him in a hug. The people present there, from other students to Jeongguk's teammates, all were shocked because this was the first time Jeongguk showed public affection for someone.

"Gukk" Taehyung says a little surprised and hugs him back. Jeongguk looks at him for a second and then kisses him. In front of everyone.

Taehyung widens his eyes but soon melts into the soft and tender kiss with his eyes closed. He hears everyone hooting in the background as they back off after the kiss.

"What- I- so suddenly?" Taehyung says unable to form a sentence, still in daze.

"This is the best way I can tell people that you are mine and I am yours" Jeongguk smiles and steps forward.

"Besides you don't want other people to roam around your boyfriend after the match right?" He laughs as Taehyung immediately looks around and sees some disappointed faces upon knowing that now Jeongguk was taken. He takes Jeongguk's hands and steps closer to him.

"You are mine only" He pouts and says before pecking the other on his lips.

"Yes your highness" Jeongguk laughs.

"Ok enough of your clinginess! I will get diabetes because of you two!" Jimin dramatically says. Hoseok and Yoongi laugh as they all walk near the couple.

"Jeongguk I think we should head for the prize ceremony" Yoongi says.

"Yes captain!" Jeongguk replies cheerfully and with a last rub on Taehyung's hands he walks away from there along with Yoongi.

The prize ceremony takes place and Taehyung also clicks wonderful pictures for the school report... Jeongguk and Yoongi had went to change before going for a celebration dinner with their team and Jimin and Taehyung were waiting for the other two to inform them that they were leaving for home. Hoseok already left because he had to receive one of his relatives from the airport.

As both of them stood outside the venue, a hand taps on Taehyung's shoulder and he turns around. It was Jihyo.

"Jihyo you here? I thought you were at home..." Jimin says. This was the first time he was talking to his sister after many days.

"Yeah... I came in the last bits of the match... and I also saw the...kiss..." Jihyo whispers looking down. Taehyung doesn't say anything and just looks at her without any expression.

"Look I- I just came here to apologise..." She looks at Taehyung. "It was just... just an impulsive action driven by jealousy... I- I am sorry..."

"And now Jeongguk is yours... So I don't care if you forgive me or not but I just want my friends back... I want to be in the friends group... don't cut me off"

"It's - It's alright" Taehyung says after a moment, biting his lips. Even if what Jihyo did hurt him and Jeongguk... but didn't he also hurt Jeongguk? And Jeongguk forgave him right? So he can also forgive Jihyo. Maybe this would be a start of a new friendship between him and her.

"What?" He hears Jimin say.

"Yeah... I forgive you Jihyo... Let's not hold any grudges and start afresh" He smiles at a shocked Jihyo. She didn't expect the other to forgive him. At all.

"T-Thanks... I'll see you in the Uni then..." She didn't know what else to say. So she looks at them one last time and walks away.

Jimin looks at her retreating figure and then at Taehyung... He didn't have a good feeling about this. But if Taehyung thinks it is fine then he will not say anything, because let's be honest he also cannot always stay livid with his only sister... Maybe things will turn out to be better from now on.


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