Epilogue 3: Back To December

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"And smile... perfect" Taehyung clicks the picture. Although it was weekend and he was not supposed to work but still he couldn't deny the request to take pictures of a baby for their 2nd birthday. So here he was, taking pictures of his young and adorable model.

Recently, the idea of being around kids, taking care of them and playing with them has really occupied his mind and soul. Jeongguk always finds him looking at cute baby pictures and products on phone in his free time and cannot help but coo at his own big baby.

"Fantastic! So cute!" He with a last click of camera finishes taking the pictures and smiles at the parents.

"I will get them edited out and mail them to you by tomorrow. And I must say your son is adorable" He coos at the baby in their arms.

"Thank you Mr. Kim and also for accepting our request. No one was ready to take pictures on weekends but you came as a rescue. Even though you only take professional photographs" The father says.

"Oh how can I say no to this cute model over here" He pinches the baby's cheeks to which he giggles making everyone laugh.

"Once again thank you so much. And we would be elated if you join us in Hani's birthday celebration."

"I will try to come" Taehyung smiles.

"Please do. Hani say bye to Mr. Kim" The mother says looking at the baby, who puts his small hands up and waves them towards Taehyung.

"Bye bye little Hani." Taehyung giggles as he sees the family exit out of the door to his studio. He sighs dreamily as he imagines one day, him, Jeongguk and their little one like this. Their own little family.

But for that they have to go the next step from where they are now.


And his beloved boyfriend, Jeongguk doesn't seem to talk about it even after them knowing each other for about 14 years now, making Taehyung pout at the thought.

So Taehyung decided to take the matter in his own hands.

His phone rings making him flinch a bit. He pulls it out of his pocket to see it was Jihyo. He smiles and picks it up.

"So did you decide on the ring yet?" Yes, that's what Taehyung meant... If Jeongguk doesn't propose, then Taehyung will. No biggies. They already live and act like a married couple and just need a seal of marriage on their relationship to strengthen it more, if it was possible.

"Yeah... I did. The one with the purple stone on it. I liked it." Taehyung says, setting his camera and laptop into place before packing his belongings.

"Great choice! I bet Jeongguk's gonna love it!"

"I know right! That's what I thought when I looked at it first... By the way how's Woojin?" Jihyo indeed found someone who loved her dearly. Then she realised the meaning of true love and her life couldn't have been better. She met Woojin in a business workshop 3 years back and they were dating for two years now.

"He is good. Also excited about the whole plan of you proposing to Jeongguk" Jihyo laughs.

Taehyung also giggles, but then pauses.

"Wait...what if Jeongguk rejects me?" He says with wide eyes as the thought strikes him all of a sudden.


"What if he says no to marriage?" Taehyung never thought about it once. But you never know right. He now fears if Jeongguk is not ready for marriage.

"What are you saying Taehyung? He loves you a lot to reject you" Jihyo says with a sigh. She wonders if Jimin would have been here, he would have cut the call, drive, walk, run or even swim to where Taehyung was and knock some senses into the other. But he was out of country for a show and would come back by tonight so it was now Jihyo's responsibility. (Jimin is a professional choreographer now and choreographs many performances in concerts)

Back To December - TK✔️Where stories live. Discover now