37. Cafeteria Reunion

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"Yoongi can you stop being this sleepy and grumpy early morning??" Hoseok says and Jimin also nods his head in agreement.

"Don't blame me dude, I was composing a song last night for my project and was able to sleep for about 3 hours only. I am very sleepy right now." Yoongi blinks his eyes rapidly to drive away the sleep.

"Then why did you come to university Yoongi hyung, you should have slept in. Don't take risks with your health especially when the basketball team needs their captain for the competition" Jimin says with concern filling his voice as the group of friends walk towards their lockers.

"I was worried"

"Worried? About what?" Hoseok asks as he sees Yoongi leaning on one of the lockers to take a support.

"About Jeongguk... he has been very depressed this whole week... and whenever we ask him about the reason behind his gloominess he always brushes away the topic... And..."

"And?" Jimin asks feeling guilty upon hiding all the things from his friends, but for Jeongguk and Taehyung he had to do it... He just hopes everything becomes well and his two best friends find happiness in each other once again.

"And about...Taehyung... He is also not coming to the university for so many days. None of us knows why, even you Jimin. The other day I saw him running in the corridor...He was crying. I just hope he is doing fine. I have heard how bad people talk about him just because he does not speak much. Even I found him strange at first but after knowing him for a month or two, I know he is a good guy with a good heart. I sometimes even feel that the world can be cruel for a person like him..." He speaks from his heart and yawns shortly, sleep clearly visible in his eyes. Jimin doesn't know why he was feeling like a proud parent right now. Finally, his friends were understanding how beautiful soul Taehyung was...

"Yoongs is right! I would like to be Taehyung's really good friend once he is back. He deserves it!" Hoseok cheerfully says. Jimin nods with glossy eyes. He misses Taehyung right now and wishes the other was here to witness this. Oh how happy he would be to gain new friends.

Soon the bell rings and all the students start heading towards their classrooms.

I guess Taehyung won't come today also...

Jimin sighs sadly and starts walking towards the classroom after bidding good bye to his friends. As soon as he enters the classroom he spots a figure sitting at his seat. He widens his eyes and a big grin automatically adorns his face. The figure was none other than Taehyung, who upon noticing Jimin's presence smiles back at him and waves his hands shortly. Jimin very quickly walks or more like runs towards his seat and takes a breath of relief. He was delighted to see his best friend back.

"Taehyungie you are back."

"I guess yes" Taehyung giggles as he sees Jimin take a seat beside him. Jimin also giggles and asks, "Why didn't I see you near the lockers? I thought you didn't come today..."

"Oh that... I came early because I had to take notes from the teacher"

"Ohh" Jimin says as he takes Taehyung's hand. "Are you okay now? I mean is everything sorted between you and Jeongguk?" He asks with seriousness in his eyes.

"I am perfectly fine now Jiminie... and about me and Jeon-" Before Taehyung could complete the teacher enters the classroom. Jimin makes a tsks sound but soon focusses to what the teacher was saying. Taehyung holds back a smile. He can't wait to tell Jimin about him and Jeongguk.


Taehyung didn't have to wait for so long because soon it was lunch time and he was very excited. And the reason behind his excitement?

Well you guessed it right. Of course, it was Jeon Jeongguk.

Taehyung felt like he was living his teenage years all over again, the time when he used to crush really hard over Jeongguk and now he felt all those emotions coming back like a hurricane.

These emotions and feelings were somewhere lost inside him from the moment he left Jeongguk... His heart ached for Jeongguk and his love but the courage to face him was gone.

He hurriedly packs his brushes and colors in his bag before heading out of the classroom. To his surprise there Jeongguk was, standing near the door with one hand in his pockets and the other busy on phone.

A smile immediately makes its way on his face and he walks over to Jeongguk. He taps his arms as Jeongguk looks up from his phone, smiling widely.

"You are here..." He whispers.

"You didn't tell me you were going to pick me up for lunch..." Taehyung raises an eyebrow with a soft smile on his face.

"I thought I should surprise you... Did you like it?" Jeongguk takes Taehyung hands and starts walking towards the cafeteria.

"Oh I loved it..." Taehyung replies biting his lips and looking down shyly... Some students were looking at them walking in the middle of the corridor holding hands. Many immediately inferred that they were now a couple and a totally unexpected couple for them.

Jeongguk gets giddy seeing Taehyung beside him like this. He felt like the happiest person right now and just wanted to keep Taehyung all to himself. But this happiness and his wish was short lived because as soon as they both reach the cafeteria, a cutie launches himself over Taehyung.

He was none other than Park Jimin.

"Taehyungie you are here! Come on let's eat!" He says not aware of Jeongguk's presence beside Taehyung and drags him in the line to get food. Jeongguk just stands there deciphering what just happened now.

His midget friend took his boyfriend with him without even noticing his presence. Great.

He sighs and joins the line. He was also hungry and needed some food. Luckily he stands behind Taehyung as he hears Jimin say something to the latter.

"Tae you were about to tell me about you and Jeongguk right? This is the right time. Yoongi and Hoseok hyung said they will be late for lunch. So tell me while we eat ok? -"

Jeongguk raises his eyebrows and leans forward to look at Taehyung, who upon noticing his boyfriend pushes him back playfully, feeling super flustered by the closeness.

"- and I want each and every detail... not a single drop of the tea should be missed...I mean of course I have all the rights to know."

This shorty really needs to know everything. Jeongguk thinks as the three of them serve themselves food and walk to the table. Jimin continues saying how he shipped both of them still not knowing Jeongguk was there...

Jeongguk clears his throat to make his presence aware to Jimin, who immediately turns around with wide eyes. Jeongguk waves his hands shortly standing behind Taehyung, who was trying to hold back his laugh.

"H-hi Jeongguk... I didn't see you there..." Jimin awkwardly smiles and quickly takes a seat at the table.

"Of course Jimin, how would you see? I mean considering your height-"

"YAHH! How many times have I told you not to tease me for my height!?" Jimin exclaims, all the awkwardness vanished in thin air. Jeongguk just snickers in response and takes a bite of his noodles.

"Aishh! Look at you being a shameless brat and snickering, shall I tease you about your fear of microwa-"

"Jimin!" Jeongguk looks at him wide eyed with mouthful of food. Now it was Jimin's turn to giggle and show his tongue to Jeongguk who huffs in response.

"You-" Before Jeongguk could say anything they hear a soft laugh and turn their heads towards the source of the voice. A smile immediately makes its way on both of their faces as they see Taehyung laughing whole heartedly, who upon noticing their gaze gets shy and says a small, "What?"

"Nothing...you just look so beautiful when you laugh honey..." Jeongguk says.


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