36. Mornings like this

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Taehyung softly caresses a sleeping Jeongguk's cheeks as they both lie in bed cuddled up between the bed sheets. To say he was happy would be an understatement. He was in fact on cloud ninety (loll) to be back in Jeongguk's arms.

Yesterday he expected Jeongguk to confront him but Jeongguk's response was unexpected. But again, we are talking about Jeongguk, Taehyung's Gukkie, who has the purest heart in the world. Omg what did Taehyung do to deserve such a man...

He chuckles silently as he boops Jeongguk's nose softly. He looked like a baby bunny while sleeping. Well forgetting the fact that his muscled arms were literally caging Taehyung as if he was not ready to let go off Tae even in his sleep, he looked pretty cute.

Taehyung subtly removes Jeongguk's heavy arms from his waist and gets out from the bed, trying his best not to wake Jeongguk. He stretches his limbs and sighs at the soft winter breeze blowing in from the window. Leaning a bit to plant a soft kiss on his forehead, he takes a last look at Jeongguk before going out to freshen up and make breakfast.


Jeongguk wakes up after 20 mins or so and directly reaches his hand out to the other side of the bed knowing very well that he and Taehyung slept together yesterday. But to his surprise Taehyung was not there, which made him panic... Negative thoughts fill his mind...

Where is Tae?

Was it all a dream? Everything was real right?

He hastily gets out of the bed and walks out of the bedroom in a messy state that one can surely say that he just woke up.

As soon as he steps out soft music reaches his ears and scent of coffee fills his nostrils... His eyes dart towards the kitchen where he sees Taehyung setting the breakfast humming along to soft music as usual.

He sighs in relief and smiles softly at the sight in front of him. He felt like the happiest person in the world right now... He is glad to make the right decision.

With almost no sounds he makes his way towards the dining table where Taehyung currently was and swiftly hugs Taehyung from the back, inhaling the soft strawberry scent...

Taehyung visibly flinches a bit in surprise upon the sudden hug but soon smiles when he hears a raspy, "good morning love" from Jeongguk. He turns around and looks at Jeongguk, who like always trapped him between the table and himself.

"Good morning to you too Mr. Jeon" He giggles. "I didn't see you coming here... "He ruffles Jeongguk's messy bed hair and then starts playing with them.

"Well I didn't find you beside me in the bed so immediately came here... I thought-"

"That I would leave you again?" Taehyung completes the sentence. He sees Jeongguk hung his head low, so he sighs and hugs him tightly. "I will not leave you Gukkie, not again... You know how much of a fool I was to do that years back which made both of us suffer... But now that life has given us a second chance then let's prove that we are together for eternity... I promise you won't regret your decision...After all now you are stuck with me again... Mr. Boyfiee" He whispers and rubs Jeongguk's back. Jeongguk chuckles softly and looks back to cup Taehyung's face. He takes his time to look at his world and then plants a soft but lasting kiss on Taehyung's forehead and hugs him again. "I always knew I cannot regret anything related to you. It was just....everything felt unreal yesterday so I thought maybe I was dreaming or something..." He chuckles. He really didn't have any second thoughts on his decision. He knew he did the right thing.

Sometimes we lose so many people we love and trust just because we want to go by a convention. A convention that wants us to forgive people only when they are able to explain themselves. But emotions and trust are far more important than any conventions. I think that's what we call moving on. Sometimes you have to take your time and listen to that one voice in your heart when it comes to give a chance to ones who have gained your trust over years.... to forgive people you love not for them but for your own happiness and peace and Jeongguk trusted Taehyung. Him and Taehyung will have plenty of time to discuss about their past but this was present and if he wouldn't have done what he did then he surely would have regretted this his whole life and that also without his love beside him.

Taehyung giggles when Jeongguk softly nuzzles his nose in his neck and starts giving soft kisses over there. He pushes him softly and says, "Don't you want to go the university you bunny!? Now go freshen up I have made you breakfast and refreshing coffee which I think is cold now because of you... "He pouts playfully. Jeongguk just pecks his lips seeing Taehyung's cheeks adorn a soft pink blush alongside his wide eyes. "I-" Before Taehyung could say anything he interrupts him playfully.

"I know what you will say now baby! Eww morning breath Gukkieee... Go and brush your teeth! Go! "He says in a mocking way...Nothing new, he just loved teasing Taehyung.

"I don't say like that... But seriously go and wash your face and then brush your teeth! Your breath stinks man"

"But I would first brush my teeth and then wash my face I guess... "

"Guk-" But Jeongguk just gives a last peck on his lips and runs to the bathroom. Taehyung just stands there in disbelief and chuckles. He really missed mornings like this when he would wake up beside Jeongguk and just like today they would have their little memorable moments and he lived for such moments.

"At least take your clothes and a towel with you! You dumbo!" He shouts shortly after he hears the shower run. But he gets no reply indicating that Jeongguk might not have heard him. He shrugs his shoulder and going to the kitchen to warm up the coffee.

He finishes setting up the table when he hears a, "Tae! I forgot the towel and clothes! Can you pass them to me!?"

"Told ya!" He chuckles and walks to Jeongguk's bedroom and gets a towel with his briefs and a sweatpants. Of course he wouldn't miss his chance to see his boyfie's abs.

Just as he walks out of the room he sees a bunny peeking out of the bathroom doors...

"Didn't you hear me when I said that you should get a towel?" He asks and hands over the towel in Jeongguk's hands.

"Nope... I was too busy thinking about you in the shower" Jeongguk says from the other side of the half open door as he wears his briefs.

"What were y-you thinking about me?" Taehyung's cheeks were tomato red once again... He sees Jeongguk step out of the bathroom in his sweatpants and the towel hanging around his neck, making his cheeks go the reddest shade of red.

"Oh you wouldn't want to hear that baby... "Jeongguk teases.

"Y-you pervert! Go and put on your T-shirt!" Taehyung rushes towards the kitchen in a flustered state... Jeongguk just chuckles at his actions and sighs dreamily. Yes he was whipped.


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