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I rub my temples as I listen to Jung Hoseok blabber away about how he hasn't found the information I've been looking for.

"Shut up! you are beginning to annoy me with that high-pitched voice of yours. When you have more information about who killed my family I will listen to you, for now, leave my office." I say frustrated.

They called me to the office because Park Seo-Joon, the man who runs the other side of our Hotel business, tells me that a client has witnessed one of our killings and wants to report it to the police.

These people know how to get on my nerves, they can't do one simple thing without me. I dislike it when the Dark side and the other side mix. It makes my work ten times harder. Now I have to get rid of this mess instead of planning more important things.

Over the past few years, I have made Seo-Joon my eyes and ears since I can't be there physically. He keeps me updated and always handled everything smoothly, and now he tells me this bullshit.
Someone barges into my office, I almost yell but I see Jungkook standing there and my secretary standing behind him, her face filled with fear.

"Sir I tr-tried to stop him bu-"
I wave my hand indicating for her to stop.
"Get out."
Jungkook still looks at me and I clear my throat to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling that settles in.
"This way, Sir," Maria says, showing her hand to Jungkook.
"Not Jungkook, I'm talking to you Maria, GET OUT."
she looks at me shocked but scrambles away when I raise my eyebrows at her still figure.

"It's a pleasant surprise seeing you here love."
I walk across the marble-tilled floors until I'm standing directly in front of Jungkook. Relief flashes across his eyes.

"Thanks for allowing me in." He says.
"Anything to see that sexy face of yours," I say smirking.
"You're disgusting."
I move closer to him, wanting to rile him up because I enjoy it.
His breath hitches as I tug his waist closer.

"You look so fucking sexy when you cum, you know that," I say in a more sultry tone .
His face turns crimson and I let go of his waist walking back to my desk.
"I wonder what could be so important that you had to come to the office of the man you hate the most " I ask curious.

"I came here because you said I could be your alli. " He says seriously.
"Oh, you've finally developed common sense ."
He scoffs.
"Feeling insulted love, it looks like you're already needing me." I mock him just a little bit more before I become serious.
"Is this about your lover boy?"
"He has a name." He says irritated.

"I'm sure everyone has one."
I believe you want my help to convince your brother to let you marry this..."
I wave my hand asking him to complete it.
"You already know his name." He says in a duh tone.
"Come on love, he is not so important that I must remember his name."
He huffs.
My face scrunches in distaste.
"He fucks like a boy and has the name of one too."
Jungkook looks at me offended.

"Taehyung, how can you say that, your mouth has no filter."he says.
"It's the truth and I can show you what has no filter, I say winking.
"You are fucking delusional."

My smirk drops as I stalk towards him, placing my hands above his head until my lips touch the shell of his ear.
His body goes stiff.

"And why do you think I should help you?" I whisper.
"I think coming here was a mistake."
   "Maybe, but if you want to be with that boy..."
"He isn't a boy." he grinds his teeth.
  "Trust me love when I say he is a boy."

"I've come up with a plan," he says pushing me slightly. I take a step back.
"Please do enlighten me about your smart plan." I say mockingly.
"I think we should convince my brother to let us get married," he says hesitantly.
Shock filters through me.
Was I hearing right?

"I know it might sound stupid but think about it, you are the only person my brother trusts so blindly and he sees you as a responsible person. I know it's a lot and we can't stand each other, but it would only be for a month or two, then we can divorce each other and you can tell people I have lost feelings for you." He says rushing.

Jungkook doesn't know that he just made my plan easier.
Once I marry him and the old man dies I will kill the spoilt brat and take the property.

"That's a smart plan, but we will have to come up with a backup story in case your brother doesn't believe us."
"Bring the boy here tonight," I say calmly. "We will discuss the plan together."
"Okay, so I will see you tonight then." He says still standing against the wall.

I nod and point my chin toward the door.
"Now leave, I have other things to do."
He walks towards the door but stops and turns around showing me his middle finger.
"You're a Dick." He says nose scrunching and proceeds to slam the door.
I shake my head slightly, a small smile forming on my lips.
"So childish."

Taehyung's mouth has no filter, only Jungkook will understand that.  🤭😉 Have an amazing Day/Night my beautiful Taekookers. Don't forget to vote

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