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Hi guys🤗(This chapter contains a little of Taehyung's background story) ENJOY.

After exiting the room I go to towards my office. I close my eyes, the image of Jungkook taking over my mind. My chest tightens by the way his star-filled eyes looked at me with hatred again. I don't enjoy the way he makes me feel bad for him, like I should care and try to ease his pain. I hate feeling like I need to be responsible for someone else's emotions especially when I have my own shit to deal with.

I look at the small frame that's resting on my office table. It's a picture of me my mom, sister and granny when we were at the amusement park. It was the last day I felt true happiness. We all laughed together and I didn't know that would be the last time I saw their faces again. A familiar, creeping sense of doom slithered around my neck and squeezed, tighter and tighter until I felt my breath slowing down.

(31 December 2008)
"Guys dinner is ready. I walked down the stairs to see my mum and granny setting the plates. Their smiles are bright even though Dad is never home. They always make sure Eun Jun and I are fed and happy. I smile looking at them.

"Oppa I'm going to beat you."Eun Jun says laughing.
"Hey, you can't cheat Kim Eun Jun. It's my turn to go to the toilet. I say smiling.
"You already lost oppa." She sticks out her tongue to me and we all laugh together. We go to the dining area as they sing for me.

Happy birthday to you happy birthday to Taetae. Happy birth-"
Suddenly a loud bang is heard on the door. I look at my mom and her face looks scared. She walks to me and hugs me.

"Tae I need you to take your sister and hide behind the secret passageway okay, make sure you're quiet. Take your sister and don't come out unless I tell you." She says hurriedly.
She kisses my forehead before I take my sister's hand and lead us to the secret passageway that's stored next to the tv. It looks like a wall but is a small compartment.

Dad use to gamble a lot and use to owe people alot of money. Almost everyday people use to come looking for us so mom used to hide us in there all the time. Eun Jun and I sit inside while I press my hand to her mouth to quieten her. I peep through the hole to try and get a better look. I hear strange voices and suddenly three big men are standing with huge guns in their hands. I hear my sister scream.

V is our pet cougar that I wanted for my tenth birthday. I try to grab her hand but it was too late. I see her hold V and before she can make her way back to me  one of the men grabs her arm. I whimper my hand holding my mouth shut to strain my whimpers as V comes running to me. I take him in my hand, holding him close to my chest. I sit there in complete darkness only tiny holes allowing me to see what was happening. I want to cover my eyes and pretend that it's not real but I don't, instead I turn around and look.

The three of them wore ski masks and were speaking Spanish. I took Spanish classes before so It's easy to understand what their saying. I heard my Halmoni's voice.
"You can take whatever you want but please don't hurt my family."
"Oh, we will take whatever we want old hag, that stupid son of yours dares to steal our drugs and then he gets us in trouble with the police. I will teach that son of a bitch a lesson." The biggest one of them says.

He talks to the shorter male.
"Hagamos esto rapido, de acuerdo? No quiero que el jefe se enoje con nosotros." Before I can react a gunshot rings out. My eyes widen in shock when I see red appearing on my Halmoni's blouse. Then another gunshot is fired again until a pool of blood is around her unmoving body. I watch as the light dims from her eyes.

I put my hands to my mouth muffling the little cries that come out. V snuggles my chest and closes his eyes. Like his scared too. I hear Eun Jun's cries and I see my mum protectively holding her. I hear the men talking again.

"Antes de que mates a este, primero tengo que probarlo." Y el nino? Que debemos hacer con ella? Matala o diviertete, no me importa, pero quiero esta."
He points to my mom. I hear a gunshot again and tears fall down my face when I look at my sister's lifeless body. It took one bullet one, one bullet to drain the life out of her.

"I'm going to have so much fun with you." The man says smiling like a physco.
My mum spits on his shoe and he grabs her hair.
"You fucking slut, I'll show you what you get for letting your husband run around."
He starts to remove her blouse but she fights him. Then there's a shot and her eyes widen before fluttering and her hands that are on his neck loosen.

"Why would you do that." He askes the guy who pulled the trigger."
"She was behaving annoying, now make fast, boss will be waiting.
He begins to take off my mom's clothes and then he-"
I close my eyes shut not wanting to see but the noises dripped like a sonic boom in the darkness. I clutched tighter on V. After I hear the noises stop I open my eyes disgusted by the sight I see. Vomit makes its way up my throat and I puke to the side trying my best to keep my voice down. When I look back I see the man getting up. He stops and turns looking around and opens the door.

"Hey, weren't there two children? Where's the boy?" He asks the other man.
"The boy is not here." His partner says.
"He is at boarding school."
"Oh that boy is lucky then we can get him some other time, let's get going then."
They exist the house but I wait and wait not sure if I want to go out.

The house is quiet no laughter just pure silence. The only sound I could hear was the roaring of my blood, of me being a coward while I watch my family be murdered and the noises of that man's voice as he assaults my mom. I look around the dining table to where Mom and Halmoni's freshly cooked food lies and then my eyes go to the small table that has my birthday cake but it has droplets of blood on it.

I look at my sister's lifeless body but I still attempt to wake her up. I gather her frail body in my arms blood coating my palms.
"Eun Jun-ie look, it's your Oppa. You have finally beaten your Oppa huh? You left me all alone. Tears fall on my face landing onto hers.
"Why didn't you listen to me when I said to stay inside?"
I look over at my mum.
"Mum, your son is a coward. I'm so sorry that I couldn't protect us. I cry and cry the tears not stopping . I wake up from the floor and look around when I see a mirror. I look at myself. My whole body is drenched with blood. I slow down my breathing, clearing my head. The tears stick to my face and suddenly I don't feel anything anymore.

The pain, sadness it's all gone. I didn't feel anything at all. And when I gazed upon the mirror again the only thing that screamed back at me was. Vengeance. I want to ruin their lives.

The feeling on my neck tightens at the memory. I was homeless for three years before Yoongi came into my life.
I couldn't protect them. I was a coward then but not anymore.
I'm not the person I used to be.
I'm not the old Taehyung.

Poor Taetae. Don't forget to vote guys. And prepare urselfs for something. 👀🤗. Don't forget to vote.

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