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She stood outside Adam's house, her heart racing with nerves. She had never been to a party before, and the fact that it was Adam's party made her feel even more anxious. As a Muslim, she knew that attending a party like this went against her beliefs, but she couldn't resist the temptation to see him.

Taking a deep breath, she walked into the house and immediately felt out of place. The music was loud, and people were dancing and drinking. As she made her way through the party, Malika couldn't help but feel nervous. What if Adam saw her? What if something bad happens?

Pull yourself together Malika!

She passed some of her classmates, everyone is just dancing and getting wasted or making out.


Then, she saw him across the room. He was talking to some friends, laughing and joking around. Malika felt a surge of excitement and also nervousness.

Here it goes!

"Well well well, the brave girl is here." One of his friends, Amir said grinning.

They all turn to look at her. Adam looked up from whatever his doing on phone and stared at her. He first seems to not notice her before his expression came to exciting one.

"Are you hired to look out for the young babies?" He mocked.

Malika feels her legs shaking. She doesn't even know what brings her in the first place. She was going to run the hell out of the place when she heard his voice again.

"Come join us..we're about to play a game." Adam said leaning on the couch and Malika could see him winked at his friends.

"Yeah! Make yourself comfortable." Amir said pulling a chair for her as they rounded a table.

Malika was enraged and she knows where they are getting at. She will not back down!

"Cool!" She said sitting down and crossing her legs.

Adam grins and Malika could feel her heart skipped.

Damn it!

"It's called 'Truth or Dare'," Amir explained. "You spin the bottle, and whoever it lands on has to choose between answering a question truthfully or doing a dare."

Malika hesitated for a moment. She had heard of this game before, and she knew that it could get pretty wild. But she didn't want to seem like a prude in front of Adam, so she agreed to play.

The game started off innocently enough, with people asking each other silly questions and doing harmless dares. But then, it was Malika's turn to spin the bottle.

It landed on Adam.

Of course it will land on him!

"Truth or dare?" she asked him.

"Dare," he replied confidently his eyes darkening.

Malika thought for a moment before coming up with a dare that everyone was shock. "I dare you to kiss me," she said, feeling brave.

What the hell Malika!

"Waoh!!! the girl is wild." His friends roared.

Adam looked surprised but then grinned. "I can do that."

Malika feels her heart thumping wildly. She doesn't know why the hell she choose to dare a kiss! A f*cking kiss!

"Not here." She said.

"Where then?"

"In private."

His group of friends whistled and Adam majestically stood up making his way upstairs Malika trailing beside him in her fitted Arabian gown.

They walked to the endless hallway and Malika could see the beauty of the house more. He stopped on his track and open a door to a beautiful room, all decorated in gray and black.

"What are you waiting for?" Adam asked sitting on his bed.

"For what?" She asked.

Adam chuckled deeply. "You are something else."

Malika could finally awed at his handsomeness and his deep american accent.

"It was all an act." She said still leaning at the door. She's scared if she step any closer to the bed, she might loose control.

Ya Allah!

"Look, I don't have time for any chit chat." He stood up and started walking to her.

Malika swallow hard."I-I just want us to be friends."

She confessed looking down at her black heals before she looks up at him again. She could see the blue colour of his eyes so vividly and when her eyes run to his neck, she could see a black ink of some written words.

A tattoo. Dear God!

Adam smirked." Uhhh the brave girl is so nervous."

Malika was going to open the door when he hold her hand. She felt an electric shock.

He shrugged. "Cool."

"No hard feelings?" She asked excitedly and he chuckled looking at her scarf, running his eyes to her nose then her lips.


"I-i th-think I should go," she said, feeling very nervous.

Adam smirked. "What will I tell my friends downstairs? That you ran away?"

"Please.. Keep this between us." Malika plead and he find it very amusing.

"I have to go home now. Bye." She quickly open the door and walk fast downstairs. She pushed through the crowded dancing floor and went out of the house. Her heart beating so loud that she can hear it.

As she drive her way home, Malika was very happy but she couldn't help but feel conflicted. She really enjoyed the small conversation with him, but she knew that she couldn't continue to go against her beliefs like this. She needed to find a way to reconcile her desires with her faith.

And now she hopes nobody notice her disappearance.


What do you think about this little scene?

Things are about to get heated!!

Vote and comments please!!

Love ya oll.

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