lmfao ???

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hi ! long time no see. my "final thoughts" chapter thing ?? that i originally had was cringe so i deleted it and decided to make a new one . so here we are

i can't really give my ACTUAL final thoughts since this book was published 5 years ago and i've simply refused to read it since then so honestly i forgot everything that happened in this story. but im gonna guess that it's just as cringe as i remember it to be!

note : any people reading this that are just starting this book, please read the very first chapter (the "BEFORE YOU READ") because there's some new stuff there too that i think is worth reading😭😭😭

anyway it's 2023 now and i can least safely say that i've definitely improved as a writer LMAO,,, i started/published this book when i was in early-middle school and now i'm a senior in high school so you can probably guess that i've not only grown as a writer but as a person as well :,) please kindly ignore every cringe thing written in this book (especially the A/Ns) as i have no desire to rewrite, edit, etc etc 😭🙏 thanks

also! thanks for 200k reads : ) i have no idea when we reached that milestone because i'm only just now using wattpad again after a few years but i'm definitely shocked to see that this book is still receiving any kind of support after five years LMAOO

okay im going to get serious now for a second so bear with me 🙏 i honestly truly despise this book and my writing in it (though i can't really blame myself because again. literally wrote this in middle school as an inexperienced writer </3) and i really don't want to be associated with it anymore so for a while i was thinking of just deleting it 😭? but you can only imagine my shock when i saw it had 200k reads so . i figured i wouldn't delete the story, but i am abandoning this account🤞 i'm not interested in hamilton anymore and wanna maybe start writing stories relating to other fandoms i'm in, but i really don't think this account is the best place to do so LMAO

if you wanna reach me at any point (for whatever reason), my new account is d4ylite, and my instagram is kursuqa.

that's it for now , thanks again for 200k reads : ) i probably will still log on this account every now and then but i am officially NEVAH touching this book again😭 god bless

sorry for being a cringe middle schooler, and i hope you enjoyed the story anyway or at least got a good laugh out of it LMAOO

ok bye

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