Chapter Twenty-Three

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I flinched awake.

"What the hell was th-"

"(Y/N)!" Alexander burst into the tent, cutting me off.

"Alex, what's happening?" I quickly got to my feet.

"The British are attacking. Quickly, grab your gun. Fire at anyone wearing red." He ran out of the tent, but stepped back in. "And stay safe."

Then he ran off again.

My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest.

Maybe I can just hide...? I thought, grabbing my gun. No. I'm here to fight.

I ran out of the tent, scanning the area and gripping my gun so hard my palms were sweating. Or maybe that was just because I was nervous.

"(Y/N)! Look out!" I don't know who screamed the warning, but I darted to the left as soon as I heard the loud "boom" of a gun going off. And searing through the tent flap.

That was close.

"(Y/N)! Are you OK?" John ran over, a panicked look on his face.

"I'm fine. How about you?"

"I'm not hurt yet." He shrugged.

Almost as if on queue, a gun shot rang in the air.

And John fell to the ground.

"John!" I screeched.

I fell next to him on my knees.

I examined him and noticed he was clutching his calf.

"Keep putting pressure on it." I whispered, looking around for a doctor.

When I turned back to John, his eyes were wide.

He didn't even have to speak.

I felt something cold press against the back of my neck.

"Wow. The Americans were so desperate they let a woman join." A British voice spoke.

"Pathetic." Another one.

I gulped, my heart racing.

I stared at John. Both of our eyes were wide.

I slumped.

This was the end for me. And John, probably.

John snatched up his gun.

"Oh, please. If you shoot one of us, you both die." One of the men said.

How would that even work? Only one of them has a gun. If John shoots the one holding the gun to my neck, he could shoot the other one before he has the chance to grab the gun the other man had.

I knew John was thinking the same thing.

I nodded my head at John, and he fired the gun.

I heard a 'thump' behind me and I no longer felt the cold on my neck.

Then another gunshot was heard. And another 'thump'.

I spun around and both of the men were laying on the ground, dead.

I let out a sigh of relief, before turning my attention back on John.

"We can't stay here. We look vulnerable." I helped John stand and walked him over to a large bush. "It's not the greatest place to hide, but it's something."

"Just leave me." I was shocked when John said that.

"Leave you?" I narrowed my eyes.

He nodded sadly.

~Gunshot~ | John Laurens x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now