Chapter Fourteen

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Did you say you know how to shoot a gu-"

"Yes." I cut Angelica off.

"And you also mentioned that your brother is Alexa-"


"And that you'd like to meet him to talk about thi-"

"Angelica, we already went over this. And you proofread it a million times! It's fine." I waved my hand in her face.

"Just making sure. This is a big deal, (Y/N). We have to take this seriously."

"And I am taking this seriously." I grumbled, setting down the pen.

I had come over to Angelica and Peggy's house early in the morning so Alexander and Eliza didn't get suspicious. Angelica sent Peggy out to run some errands and made sure she sent her to basically every shop that she knew.

"Alright then. Do you know where to send it so it gets to General Washington?" Angelica sighed, placing her hand on her forehead.

I frowned.

"Oh come on, (Y/N)!" Her eyes widened.

"Don't get all mad at me, you don't know where to send it either." I crossed my arms and turned away.

"OK, you're right. I'm sorry." She placed her hands on her hips. "But this is a problem."

"Maybe I can ask Laf or John?" I suggested.

"What if they ask why you're sending a letter to General Washington?"

"I can just say that I'm worried about all of them and am just asking for him to make sure they stay safe." I shrugged.

"They might think it's a bit stupid. There are many soldiers going to war, and if everyone asked for him to make sure everyone stayed safe, well... There would be some pretty disappointed family members."

"Yeah, but that's what they'll think. They'll question it, sure, but that's not what the letter says." I pointed out, rolling my eyes.

"I guess we can give it a shot." Angelica let out a short sigh.

"Where do you think we can find them?"

Angelica stared at me like I was the dumbest person alive, and then realization hit me.

"The bar." We said in unison.

After sealing the letter in an envelope, Angelica and I walked to the bar.

"What if they're drunk? Then we'll have to give the letter to them in the morning, and Eliza said that they'd be leaving in about a week, if not a few days." I mumbled.

"At least one of them has to be sober." Angelica shrugged.

"Hopefully." I whispered.

We cautiously crept into the bar which was full of men. Men of all ages. Old men, men about Alex's age, teenagers...

"Keep your eyes peeled for one of them." Angelica whispered to me, and I nodded back, clutching the letter in my hand.

It took a while, but I saw Lafayette climb onto a table.

What is it with him and climbing on tables? I shook my head and stumbled closer to the table, but not close enough for Laf to see me. If he was here, that means the others must be close.

"(Y/N)! Over here!" I heard Angelica's voice and followed it to a table where she was sitting with a drunk Hercules and a sober John.

"What are you guys doing here?" John crossed his arms and smirked, and I caught him casting a quick glance at me.

~Gunshot~ | John Laurens x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now