Chapter Twenty-Five

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Alexander's POV (what? :o)

I woke up early that day and started mentally preparing a speech to tell Lafayette that (Y/N) wasn't interested in him. 

I sat by the fire for a good half an hour before just deciding that I would improvise on the spot. 'Cause that always works out fine.

A few hours later, Lafayette woke up and sat next to me.

"Good morning, mon ami." He stretched his arms up. (Quick disclaimer, I'm sorry if I get any French wrong, it's almost 1 am and I'm tired and too lazy to use a translator)

"Morning, Laf." I smiled.

"When did you wake up?" He asked, staring at the fire.

"A few hours ago." I chuckled.

"That's quite early. Couldn't sleep?"

"Uh... Yeah." I rubbed the back of my neck.

He nodded, and we both fell silent for a few minutes.

"Have you checked up on John lately?" I asked, trying to strike up conversation.

It had been a few weeks since John got shot. He was doing good, he could walk again without anyone having to support him, however he still slept in the Medical tent, just in case.

"No, unfortunately. I've been very busy." He said guiltily, giving me a close-eyed smile.

"Me too. (Y/N) has been seeing him everyday, though." I laughed.

Oh wait! This could be a good start... I completely forgot that I had to tell him that (Y/N) wasn't interested. This is what happens when I wake up early.

"Oh, good. At least one of us can." He laughed.

"I'm quite surprised, though. She's been very busy as well, but still manages to at least say 'good morning' to him everyday."

Lafayette nodded.

"This seems very, how do you say, out of the blue?" He started twiddling his thumbs. "I seem to be very taken with your sister."

I inhaled sharply.

"What? Was it something I said? I'm sorry." He blinked a few times, looking very confused.

"Oh, no. It's just that..." I began.

Should I just tell him?

"She's not... With... Somebody is she?" He tilted his head a little bit to the side like a dog.

"Um... No... It's just... She's not really... Interested... In courting with anybody right now... She's just been very busy... She'll most likely tell me when she's ready but, now's not the time. Sorry..." I just quickly said, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Oh... I see. It's fine, we're all very busy with the war. I guess." He shrugged and stood up. "I'm gonna go see if... Anyone needs help with anything. Bye, Alex." And just like that, he walked away.

"Well. I guess I don't know how I feel about that. But I guess it could've gone worse." I smiled and shrugged.

(Y/N)'s POV

After waking up very early to visit John, I walked out of the tent and spotted Alex sitting not too far away by a campfire, so I decided to go over and join him.

I snuck up behind him and grabbed his shoulders.


"AaaAaAaAAAHhHhHhhHhhhHhHhHHh!" He screamed like a little girl.

~Gunshot~ | John Laurens x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now