Chapter Six

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John's POV-

I stayed behind my drunk friends as we continued to walk  to Alex and Eliza's home. I focused on them the entire time, just to make sure none of them wandered off. Especially (Y/N). She's new here, so she wouldn't know her way back. But I wasn't that worried. She mostly stayed beside her brother the whole time. I personally still couldn't believe Alexander has a sister! Especially since this entire time, he was complaining about how lonely he was and that his entire family had left him, and now here he was, stumbling down the street with his sister.

It truly is a miracle. I grinned and stared down at the ground, before I heard the loud sound of heels and then an arm wrapped around my neck.

"Why are you going so slow, John?" I recognized (Y/N)'s drunk voice immediately.

"So I can make sure none of you wander off." I rolled my eyes.

Her arm slid off and she stopped walking.

I stopped also and turned around to face her.

"Are you coming?" I quickly glanced back at Lafayette, Alex, and Hercules, who were farther up ahead. "We have to stay close to them."

"I'm tired! Are we almost there?" She complained, slouching over and letting her arms dangle.

"Yes, we're almost there." I turned back around and continued to walk, and I heard her heels once more and noticed she had caught up to me and was walking next to me, keeping a hand on my shoulder to keep her steady.

"Hey, John?" She asked after a while.


"Remind me to never drink again. Ever." She rubbed her forehead.

"Ok." I laughed. "Are you going to go back up by the others?"

"No." She simply said, shrugging her shoulders.

That's when I noticed her shawl was gone.

"Did you leave your shawl at the bar, (Y/N)?" I groaned.

"Oh, so that's probably why I'm so cold!" She snorted. 

I sighed.

Drunk (Y/N) is kind of annoying. But it's kind of funny, I thought, smiling.

"Do you want me to go back and get it...?" I finally asked.

"No! The bar's all the way back there," she pointed behind us. "And we're all the way up here." She yawned.

"Are you sure? I mean, I can go back and get it right now if that's what y-" I got cut off by (Y/N) placing a finger on my lips.

"You don't have to get it." She smiled at me, before removing her finger.

"If you insist." I shrugged, and we continued walking down the street together.

We finally reached Alex and Eliza's house.

"So, I'm guessing you're staying at Alex's house?" I asked her when we reached the door.

"Where else would I go?" She yawned again.

"Oh, I just thought you would sleep at Angelica and Peggy's house..."

"I just met my brother! Of course I'd want to stay in his house."

"(Y/N), come on!" I heard Alex's voice from inside the house.

"Now who's going to walk you home?" (Y/N) stared at me with concern.

"Oh, I'm not going home. I'm staying here with you guys just to make sure you don't do anything too stupid." I laughed.

"Oh. Yay!" She clapped her hands together once before turning and barging into the house.

I stayed outside for a few seconds as I watched her go in, and then followed her, smiling and shaking my head.

Her arm was wrapped around Lafayette.

"Lafayettttttte!" She yelled.

"Whaaat?" He blinked at her tiredly.

"It's time to sleeeeep." She slowly took her arm off of him and walked over to the couch slowly and sat down. "Oof, I don't feel too good." Her eyes were narrowed and she was staring at the ground.

"That's normal when you drink too much." I told her reassuringly.

"I don't like it." She shifted, pulling her legs up onto the couch and resting her head on the pillow.

"Aleeeex!" She called to her brother who was only a few feet away.

"What?" He replied groggily.

"Get me a blanket, please."

"No." He sat down on a comfy-looking chair and closed his eyes.

"Joooohn!" She turned to look at me and blinked at me.

"I'll get you a blanket." I sighed.

I came back with a blanket, but they were all already sleeping, snoring loudly. Alex had fallen asleep on the chair, (Y/N) on the couch, and Lafayette and Hercules were sleeping on pillows on the floor. I turned my attention back to (Y/N) and I carefully made my way over to her. I placed the blanket on her, and she snuggled into the blanket.

"Thank you." She whispered.

My eyes widened with shock from thinking she was sleeping, but I smiled at her and turned and walked to Alex's room to sleep in there.


I don't really like dis chapter that much but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

-Red ^^

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