Chapter Ten

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(Y/N)'s POV

We eventually arrived at home. It took longer than it should of considering I could barely walk and Alex and John had to support me. As soon as we got back to Alex's house, Eliza was all over me.

"What happened? Are you OK? What's wrong with your ankle?" She stared into my eyes, her eyes wide with worry.

"I'm fine." I simply said in a raspy voice, my eyes still red from crying so much.

"Here, come sit over on the couch." She grabbed me from Alex and John and lead me over to the couch.

"Thank you." I sat down slowly and lifted up my knee so I could see my ankle.

"It's a little bit swollen, but a little bit of ice, bandages, and rest will fix it right up." Eliza said cheerfully.

I just nodded, staying quiet.

Eliza continued to just stand there, studying me.

"Are you sure you're OK?" She knelt down in front of me.

"Oh, yeah. You don't have to worry about me." I waved her away. 

"Are you going to join us for dinner or would you like to..." She paused. "Eat in here?"

"No, no... It's rude. I'll join you. But first, can you please get me some bandages?"

"Sure thing." Eliza stood up and left the room.

"How are you feeling?" Alex appeared from the kitchen.

"I'm fine, Alex." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, I'm just worried about you." He grinned and walked over, sitting beside me. "Where's Eliza? I have to talk to her about something."

"She's getting me some bandages."

"Ah, OK. I'll be right back." He lifted a finger and sped-walked away in the direction that Eliza went.

I sat there silently. I heard John, Lafayette, and Hercules talking loudly in the kitchen.

"What's taking so long?" I mumbled. "God, Lafayette, why do you have to be so drunk and loud?"

I slowly got up and went the way Eliza and Alex had went, and found a room where whispers were coming out of.

"Have you told anyone yet?", was the first thing I heard.

"No, but I'll tell all of them in time." I heard Eliza's gentle voice.

"Who are you thinking of telling first?"

"Your sister. Definitely. Especially since if I tell her separately, I know she can keep a secret. And she can help out a lot."

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. It grew silent, then the door opened to reveal Eliza with Alex standing behind her.

"Oh! (Y/N)! I completely forgot your bandage, I'm so sorry!" Eliza placed her hand on her forehead.

"Oh, no worries! I just wanted to see if something was wrong... And forgive me for eavesdropping, I'm assuming I didn't hear much,


but what can I help out with a lot?" I scratched the back of my head.

"Oh! I mean..." Eliza quickly glanced back at Alex, then sighed. "OK... (Y/N), we have to tell you something."

"W-What? Did I do something wrong?" I stuttered as Eliza pulled me into the room and Alex closed the door quietly.

"No! Not at all." She lead me over to the bed and let me sit, but she continued to stand in front of me, Alex standing beside her.

"What is it?" I asked, confused.

She took a deep breath and glanced at Alex, smiling, then looked back down at me.

"I'm pregnant."

I sat there, my mouth gaped.

"Oh my gosh, Eliza! That's so exciting!" I squealed loudly.

"Shh! What if the others hear you?" Her eyes narrowed with concern.

"Oh sorry... Do you not want them to know yet?"

"Well, they're drunk right now. Except for John, but I'd like to tell all three of them at the same time. When they're all sober." Eliza smiled with embarrassment.

"Oh yeah, I totally get it. Well, for now, your secret is safe with me." 

"Thank you so much, (Y/N)." Alex nodded. 

"Anything for you guys. Well, Eliza. Not you Alex." We all laughed.

After we all ate dinner, Eliza offered for Lafayette and Hercules to stay, and even John. We all started settling down to sleep. I got a room for myself upstairs. It was an empty room with nothing but a bed, a nightstand, and a dresser. I wasn't complaining, though. Lafayette and Hercules slept in the living room, Lafayette on the couch and Hercules on a chair. John agreed to just sleep on the floor.

I slowly changed into a light orange/peach nightgown Eliza had left for me before I heard a knock on the door.

"Um... Give me a minute!" I said, attempting to put the nightgown on faster. "Dammit..."

Once I finally got the nightgown on, I stumbled over to the door.

"What?" I sighed. "Oh, John."

John was standing there and waved awkwardly.

"Can I come in?"

"Um... Sure." I shrugged.

He nodded slowly and walked in the room.

"What is it?"

"I just wanted to check in on you. How are you feeling?" He stared at me with wide eyes and I couldn't help but smile.

"I'm fine."

I limped over to him and hugged him. He froze, but then wrapped his arms around me as well.

"Thank you." I whispered. "I probably wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for you."

"Don't say that." He gently pushed me away. "You would've found your way out."

I grinned and felt a tear slide down my face.

"I wouldn't be too sure of that." I giggled.

"Goodnight, (Y/N)." He smiled warmly and left the room, quietly closing the door behind me.

I sighed.

Why was my heart beating so fast?

I shrugged, and guessed that it was just from the stress and everything that had happened that day.

So I finally decided to settle down into bed and fell asleep.


Yay more of John x Reader stuff. And I know this chapter is short but I haven't really been having the inspiration to write recently, especially considering I've been sick over the past couple of days. Also because I feel like I want to do a Lafayette x Reader instead of a John Laurens x Reader and it makes me mad considering I just started this story so it'll take a while for it to end.

Also, in this story there will be a little bit of Lafayette x Reader but don't worry, it is still a John Laurens x Reader.

(also sorry the chapter is kind of late considering I make a chapter every day but my Wattpad has been glitching out on me a lot so yeah)

Anyways, thank you for reading!

-Red ^^

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