Chapter Twenty-One

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John's POV

I walked out the medic tent to go get my friends.

Even though it was still freezing and lightly snowing outside, I was sweating.

You better make it, (Y/N), I thought, clenching my fists.

I sighed, realizing I didn't have my uniform on.

"Dang it." I groaned. "Whatever."

I headed out to find Alexander, LafaYEET, and Hercules.

After about 10 minutes of looking for them, I found them shivering, still walking around and calling (Y/N)'s name.

"Oh, John! Any luck, mon ami?" Lafayette sprinted over.

All of their faces were red from the cold, mine probably was, too.

"Yeah, I actually found her a while ago." I smiled guiltily, rubbing the back of my neck.

"WHAT?!" They all shouted in unison, getting all up in my face.

"I'm sorry, OK? I was worried about her. I found her, hopefully sleeping, underneath a tree and she was turning blue." I crossed my arms.

"EH?" Alex screeched. "I have to go see her!"

"Oui." Lafayette's eyes were narrowed and he was staring at his boots, before he huffed and stomped away, his fists clenched. I heard him mumble under his breath: "Dammit, (Y/N). Va te faire foutre, Lee."

Now, I can't speak French that well, but... Um... Oh dear.

We all followed him, shivering and huddled together to stay moderately warm.

Once we made it back to camp, we rushed into the medic tent, the doctor sitting on a bed on the far side, doing whatever it is that they do when they're not helping someone.

"Oh! Doctor!" Alexander ran over and the doctor looked up.

"Huh? Who are you?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Um... My name is Alexander Hamilton. The lady over there is my sister?"


"Yeah, yeah. How is she?"

"We'll have to wait." The doctor answered bluntly.

"What?" Lafayette popped up in front of Alexander. "Why?"

Huh. He is concerned.

"Well, she's alive. I felt a heartbeat and her breathing sounds a little raspy, but normal. She's still a little blue, though, so I found as many blankets as I could and put them on her."

Wait... Where's Hercules?

But, I spun around, and there he was, crying his eyeballs out over (Y/N).

Alright then.

I walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You good?" I chuckled a little.

"I'm perfectly fine." He 'hmph'ed, turning away and quickly wiping a tear away. "Just a little bit upset, that's all."

"Me too, Herc. But she'll be OK. She's tough." I sighed.

"Well, the doctor said we just have to wait and see what happens, but she might wake up from a few hours to even a few days. So we might as well go back to our regular routine and wait for her to wake up." Alexander came over. He look furious but scared and concerned at the same time.

~Gunshot~ | John Laurens x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now