Chapter Twenty

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mm turtle boi ^


(Y/N)'s POV

After we got everything settled and I ended up getting a tent with Alexander and John (Laf and Herc are in the tent next to ours), I've actually been having a lot of fun here. I know, it's not always going to be fun and games. We're here for a reason, and it's to fight the British to defend our country. But I still have to admit, I'm having a pretty good time with Alexander, Laf, Herc, and-

"(Y/N)? You awake?" Alexander's head was poking through the tent flap.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. Just talking to the readers."

"What was that?"

"I was just thinking." I shrugged, getting out of bed.

"Ok... Well, Charles Lee said he needs you for something."

"Who?" I stood up and stretched.

"Apparently he's been helping General Washington with a bunch of stuff."

I thought I heard a hint of jealousy in his voice, but I paid no attention to it.

"Alrighty." I slept in the uniform, so I just fixed up my hair and followed Alexander out, where he lead me the camp entrance.

"He said to bring you here."

Alexander looked behind him, before turning back to me, grapping my wrists, and getting all up in my face.

"Listen, I really don't trust this Charles Lee guy. If he tries anything with you, tell me so I can-"

"Alex, I'll be fine." I shook his hands from my wrist. "I'm sure he just wants me to help him with something."

"I was going to say talk with him." He whispered. "But anyways, stay safe. Please."

"Will do." I saluted him, and he saluted back, then walked away.

I sighed and crossed my arms, waiting for Lee to arrive.

+=+ A few mins later+=+

"Hamilton." I heard a voice behind me.

"Heh?" I spun around to see a tall man. He had thick, short, brown hair that was brushed back. "Oh, you must be Charles Lee." I held out my hand for him to shake it.

But instead, he grabbed it. And kissed it.

"Please, a woman like you deserves to be treated like a lady." He smirked.

"Well, that's what I am." I whispered so he couldn't hear me. "Anyways, why did you want to meet up with me?"

"Hm? Oh, I just thought I'd show you something you might find interesting."

"Inside camp?" I began to get nervous.

"Oh, no. Outside." He smirked again.

"Oh... Ok... Lead the way." I forced a smile.

"Yes, ma'am." He grabbed my wrist, quite forcefully, and dragged me along behind him.

"Uh... Where are we going exactly?"

"It's kind of hard to explain, so, like I said, I'm going to show it to you." It felt like he gripped my wrist harder.

After what felt like hours (but it was actually like 15 mins) of walking, we stopped walking and ended up inside a small clearing.

~Gunshot~ | John Laurens x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now