Chapter Two

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Narrator POV-

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" It was a few weeks after (Y/N)'s father had sent her to town to fetch him some ink and paper. 

(Y/N)'s hands suddenly started shaking a little bit.

"Coming!" (Y/N) quickly hopped off her bed and ran out of her room, down the stairs, and into the living room where her father was sitting in his chair.

"Ah, you came faster. Good, you're finally learning." He scowled at (Y/N).

"Um... Yeah. Do you want me to go to town again? To get you something? 'Cause I can do it..." (Y/N) hands started shaking even more.

"Relax! Jeez! But yes, I would like you to get me some more ink and paper, please. And a new pen." Her father still refused to make eye contact with his daughter.

"U-Um... Sure... Sure thing. Just let me go change and I'll leave as soon as possible." Before waiting for a reply, (Y/N) spun around and ran up to her room to get changed.

She changed into a casual (F/C) dress that had lace on it and quickly ran back downstairs.

"Bye. I'll be back soon." (Y/N) waited for her father to reply, but he just did that "shoo" motion with his hand.

(Y/N) stared at him for a few seconds, before sighing. She put the white shawl back over her shoulders and put on some white, short, heels. She quickly opened the door and closed it behind her, speed-walking back over to town.

(Time-skip to (Y/N) walking back home because guess who's lazy? Me.)

(Y/N) had stuffed the paper and pen under her left arm and carefully held the ink in her right hand. When she finally returned home, she kicked her heels off her feet and shrugged the shawl off.

"Father, I'm home!" (Y/N) called.

"Took you long enough!" (Y/N) heard his raspy voice coming from the living room where she had left him.

"Yeah, sorry... It started snowing." She quickly shuffled into the living room and set down the supplies on the end table.

"That's no excuse. Doesn't matter the weather." He scoffed.

"But... I was only gone for two hours..." (Y/N) narrowed her eyes.

"I don't care! I wanted you back in one hour!"

"For what?" (Y/N) suddenly yelled. "All I do here is run your stupid errands!"

"What was that, young lady?" Her father slowly stood up and stared down into (Y/N)'s eyes. 

"Nothing." (Y/N) looked down at her feet.

"No, I'm serious. What did you say?" He took a step closer.

"Fine. I said, 'all I do around here is run your stupid errands!'" (Y/N) grumbled through gritted teeth.

Suddenly, her father lifted his hand and slapped her without any hesitation.

"Go to your room." He snapped. "Now."

(Y/N) slowly lifted her hand to her face where he hit her and nodded quickly, before spinning on her heel and dashing to her room.

"I've had enough of this." She cried. "He's been bullying me and mistreating me for so long. For too long."

She gathered all of the things that actually meant something to her. Her favorite dresses, books, pictures... But she didn't have many pictures, and the only ones she had and actually liked were of herself. The others were of her and her father. She narrowed her eyes at one photo of herself and her father. They were sitting a few feet apart from each other. She snatched it up from her nightstand and through it at the ground, kicking the remains under her bed.

She huffed. "I hope I never see your stupid face again."

She quickly stuffed the stuff in a bag.

"Shoot... I need shoes. And money." She thought for a moment, before running back out of her room and downstairs quietly. She peered around the corner to see what her father was up to. Luckily, he was sleeping.

She clenched her fist with joy and turned around, quietly going over to her father's room. She wasn't allowed in there. She'd never even been in it before. She slowly opened the door, which creaked loudly.

Suddenly, she heard mumbling and footsteps.

"Shoot." (Y/N) whispered. Her father appeared around the corner to see her in front of his room.

"What are you doing?" He screeched, running over and shoving her to the ground.

"N-Nothing... I-I w-was..." She stuttered.

"Nevermind, I don't want to hear it!" His voice got louder and louder as he spoke.

"I-I'm sorry..."

"I said, I don't want to hear it!"

(Y/N) slowly got to her feet and closed her eyes, waiting to get slapped. And that's exactly what happened. She got smacked. Right on the side of her face. She held back tears and ran back to her room, slamming her door.

"Who needs shoes? I mean... It's snowing... Which means the ground is covered in snow." She sniffed. "Whatever. I honestly don't care. As long as I get out of this place."

She snatched up the bag and walked over to the window. It wasn't that much of a drop, and there was a bunch of snow piled at the bottom.

She took a deep breath and used all of her strength to open her window.

"Goodbye, father." She said through clenched to teeth. "Have fun getting your own ink."

She climbing through the window and slid out, landing in the snow as expected. She shuddered when her feet hit the snow and the cold breeze whipped at her face, but she didn't care at this point.

'I'm free,' she thought, quickly getting to her feet and running, who-knows-where. But it didn't matter where she was going. As long as she never came back to this place.


Thank you for reading the second chapter of this book! ^.^ I hope you enjoyed. It's a bit longer than the first chapter, which is good. I'm planning on making future chapters longer, though, so don't worry. And if you're wondering, (which you're probably not) when I wrote the Information, Chapter One, and this chapter, I was listening to the Hamilton soundtrack. (Cough right now Helpless is playing)

-Red ^^

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