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Pretty strange, huh? How sometimes the world can be so cruel. After (Y/N)'s death, things just weren't the same. Lafayette, Hercules, Eliza, Angelica, Peggy, Alexander... John. Everyone just felt so... Empty. It definitely didn't feel the same without (Y/N). Quieter. Lonelier.

Of course, though, whenever something big happens in your life, you usually learn to move on. Alexander led a... Difficult life. He got in many fights with fellow politicians. He cheated on Eliza, who later forgave him. And then he got killed by his first friend. 

Lafayette went back to France. They don't hear from him that often.

Hercules continued his work as a tailor.

Washington retired.

Eliza and Angelica continued to work as feminists and speak out against what they most strongly believed in. When Angelica passed away, Eliza opened up a private orphanage. 

And John?

He spent everyday grieving and grieving for the love of his life who got shot and killed in front of his eyes. But, like I said, you usually learn to move on. John continued to work with Alexander every now and then, and visited him often. That is until Alexander died. John passed away a little after that.

It is quite sad, I know. How things aren't always happily ever after. But that's just how life is sometimes.

Because a wise man once said,

"You have no control; who lives, who dies, who tells your story"


~Gunshot~ | John Laurens x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now