Chapter Seven

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(Y/N) POV-

I blinked open my eyes slowly, lifting my head and looking around in confusion. Once I remembered that we had all gone to Alex's house, I sat up and rubbed my eyes, yawning. Lafayette and Hercules were sleeping on the floor and Alex was sleeping in a chair, snoring loudly. I smiled and slowly got up.

"Oh..." I sat back down, pain gripping my stomach. "Yeah, never drinking again."

I looked around.

I wonder where John is? I thought.

I continued to just sit there on the couch, observing the room. It wasn't the largest room in the world, but I guess you could say it was... Cozy. Yeah. Cozy. That's the word for it.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps and John appeared.

"Ah, you're awake." He smiled warmly.

"Yeah. But I still don't feel good." I frowned.

"That would be your own fault." He chuckled, before turning his attention to his other sleeping friends. "I wonder how long they're going to be asleep for."

"Probably for a while." I stretched my arms out and stood up. "I think I'm going to go for a walk."

"Do you mind if I come with?" He asked awkwardly. "I'd have nothing to do here if they're going to sleep the entire day away."

"Oh. Sure, I guess..." I shrugged. "Oh, shoot. I have nothing to wear."

"That's fine. Just wear what you were wearing yesterday and we can get you some new clothes or we can go to the Schuyler Sisters' house and ask if they can give you some clothes."

"Oh, I don't want to bother the Schuyler Sisters again."

"I guess we're going shopping, then." He groaned.

"That's right." I stepped over Lafayette and walked over to the door where all the shoes were placed, and I quickly put on the heels Angelica had given me yesterday. "I'll be cold, but I guess that's fine."

John stayed silent and walked over to the door and also put his shoes on. 

"Let's go." I quickly opened the door and walked out.

(Time-skip to them just walking because the clothes aren't really that big of a deal X.x)

I carried the clothes with me as John and I walked down the street quietly.

"So, (Y/N)," John broke the silence. "Tell me more about yourself."

"Like what?" I glanced at him.

"I don't know, just...stuff." He shrugged.

"Um... I'm 19... Huh... What else...?"

"Ok... How did you get here?"

"One day, I just decided to leave my father and my home, and then I just walked. I had no clue where I was going and then I fell and didn't get back up. Then the next think I knew I was in the hospital."

"Why would you want to leave your father?" I saw John staring at me from the corner of my eye and I turned to look at him.

"Um..." I looked down. "He... He made me do stuff. Like, not bad stuff... But everyday he would make me go out in the cold and run his errands."

"What's so wrong with that?" John turned his head and looked forward.

"If I ever returned home even ten minutes later then he wanted me to, he'd slap me. On my face, my back, my head..."

"Oh. Why did you decide right and then that you were going to leave? Like, at that time?"

"I don't know. I think I just got sick of it. Sick of him hitting me, sick of him telling me what to do, sick of him telling me to run his errands." I hadn't realized it at first, but tears began forming at my eyes and before I knew it, tears were streaming down my face.

I felt strong arms wrap around me and I froze.

"(Y/N), don't cry..." He murmured softly in my ear.

"I'm sorry." I gently pushed him away. "You can go home if you'd like."

"Why would I leave you here by yourself?"

I looked up at him and stared into his eyes and smiled weakly. "Thank you, John." I lifted a hand and wiped away the tears.

"You're welcome. Now, we should start heading back and see if Alex, Laf, and Herc are awake."

I nodded in agreement, and we walked back to Alex's house together. 


I was kind of hoping this chapter went on longer but here's the story:

So, I have a science project that was assigned yesterday (Tuesday) and is due on Friday. I usually write right after I get home from school, but I had to go to the store and buy materials for my project. It took me about two hours to finish building the model. It was around 7-7:30 when I finished, so I thought I would have enough time to make at least two chapters. Welp, I was wrong. When I turned on my computer, SURPRISE, RED!! My computer had to update. Yay. So I decided to wait and see how long it would take, and it took almost a half an hour to get to 5%, so I took a shower and got out of the shower at around 8:55. When I got back, it was at about 63%, and about another half an hour later, it was done and I got to at least do this chapter, which is kind of short. I'll probably make three chapters tomorrow since I didn't get to make two today.

-Red ^^ 

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