Chapter Eleven

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Narrator POV

(Y/N) woke up the next day to high-pitched squealing and she quickly sat up, swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up. But, because of the events from last night, she collapsed and ending up hitting her head on the hardwood floor.

"Crap..." She mumbled, rubbing her forehead.

She glanced back at her ankle, which was still wrapped up with bandages, with narrowed eyes and slowly stood back up, a hand still on her forehead.

"I wonder what that scream was...?" She murmured, limping over to the door, opening it, and carefully going downstairs. Once she entered the living room, she realized that Eliza, Alexander, John, Hercules, and Lafayette were all sitting there in a small circle.

"Oh, (Y/N)! You came just on time! Alexander and I just told them the news!" Eliza grinned.

"Oh. I was wondering what that squealing was. Who was that?" She removed her hand from her forehead and placed it on her hip.

Lafayette slowly raised his hand, an embarrassed look on his face.

"You sounded like a little girl. But you scared me. And woke me up." (Y/N) smiled, before narrowing her eyes and stomping over to Lafayette, slapping his arm like she had done to Alexander when she learned Eliza was his wife.

"Hey! I was excited, OK?" He laughed.

"Still. You never wake up a lady from her slumber." She sniffed and stomped back over to Eliza. "So, anyways, how many months are you and when is he or she due?"

"I am currently three months and he is due in July." Eliza was somehow managing to stay calm during all of this.

"Ooh, exciting! What are you thinking of naming him?" (Y/N) clapped her hands together.

"Well, we're not quite sure yet but we're thinking of going with the name Philip." Eliza said it as if she was asking a question.

"Ahhhh! That's adorable!" (Y/N) practically screamed.

"Now who's screaming like a little girl?" Hercules chuckled.

(Y/N) gave him a death glare that seemed to shut him up real quick and John and Lafayette had to cover their mouths to silence their laughing before turning back to Eliza.

"I only approve if you promise to let me babysit him and visit him every day." (Y/N) pointed a finger in Eliza's face.

"Promise." Eliza giggled.

"You'll probably still be living here in six months so that won't be a problem." Alex pointed out.

"Yay! Even better!"

Everybody started laughing.

"Now, if you excuse me, I'll be getting dressed and you and I are going to go shopping for baby stuff!"

"But (Y/N), we still have six months, why now?" Eliza placed a hand on her stomach.

"Ah ah ah, no! We are going right now. Just give me a minute." (Y/N) managed to run upstairs into her room and flung open the closet doors where she had put her new clothes.

Once she quickly slipped on a casual lavender and white dress, tied up her (H/C) hair (if you don't have long/somewhat long hair, you don't have to worry about putting your hair up/half up) into a half-up, half-down style, like Eliza usually had it, and put on some white heels, she skipped downstairs.

"OK, let's go!" (Y/N) said cheerfully, grabbing Eliza's hand and pulling her over to the door so she could put on her shoes as well.

Eliza and (Y/N) both put on a white cloak and stumbled out the door.

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