Chapter Twenty-Four

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(Quick little thing, this is going to be a short chapter because I have to go to bed soon :'))

(Y/N)'s POV

It was getting late. We were all headed to the bar, the guys and I. John was getting better, although every now and then I'd force him to go to the medical tent and get checked up on.

It was a really good night. Weather-wise. The snow was still there, but it looked like it was starting to melt. It was still a bit chilly, but not extremely cold like it had been a few nights before. The stars and moon shone brightly.

I sighed heavily. The sky was the only thing that kept me going tonight. I wasn't particularly happy about going to the bar considering the previous events, but I guess as long as John and the others were there with me, it wouldn't be all that bad. I would probably have a drink or two, as well as the others, and then we'd head back to camp.

"We're heeeeere!" Hercules said excitedly, like a child.

I laughed and shook my head as we entered the small building.

"Don't drink too much." I quietly told the boys, before they went off to do their own thing.

I sighed again.

"They're like children when it comes to alcohol." I shook my head and found myself an empty table that had four other chairs.

I decided to bring my pistol with me, just in case. I wasn't planning on killing, or hurting anyone, for that matter, tonight.

But if things did manage to get out of hand, I definitely won't hesitate to use it.

"(Y/N)!" I recognized Alex's voice immediately as he came up behind me with a beer in each hand.

"Hi, Alex." I chuckled, watching him as he sat down.

"Care for a drink?" He slid a glass over.

"Why not." I sighed, taking a sip.

Meanwhile, Alex was chugging his down.

I shook my head.

"You guys are crazy." I murmured.

"yEa wE ArrRrRrRRreEe." Lafayette slurred, somehow appearing out of nowhere.

How is he so drunk already?

I shrugged at my own thought.

A little while later, once I gathered the boys together, I herded them back to camp.

I was surprised that John was drunk, too, but I wasn't really surprised considering it was his idea to go to the bar in the first place.

Once we got back to camp and made sure everyone was comfortable and going to sleep, I drifted off myself.


haha god I wish this book was over already :')

This is a sUPER SHORT CHAPTER I'm sorry I warned you.

I'm being honest (I'M wOrkIng wITh a ThiRd oF WhAT conGreSs HaS PromISed) I dislike this book :') (I said 'hate' before but I realized that that's kind of a strong word) I'm just realizing now that nothing makes sense in the beginning of the book and it's getting harder and harder to write :c

bUT it's ok haha :)


-Red ^^

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