Chapter One

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(Y/N) POV-

"(Y/N)! (Y/N), get over here!" I heard my father call from downstairs.

I groaned, rolling my eyes and continued to read my book.

"(Y/N)! Did you hear me? Get down here!" He said, practically screaming this time.

I sighed and gently set down the book, rolled off my bed, opened my bedroom door, and shuffled down the stairs into the kitchen where my father was sitting at the table.

"How many times do I have to tell you? You come right away, you hear me? Right. Away." He glared at me.

"OK, OK, I get it. Now what do you want?" I crossed my arms.

"Watch your tone." He narrowed his eyes. "Anyways, I need you to fetch me something from town."

"Fine. What do you need?" I yawned.

"Ink. Ink and paper." He refused to look at me.

"For what?" I scoffed.

"Oh, I don't know. To write? Goodness. Honestly, how did I wind up with you?" He grumbled.

My shoulders drooped.

"Oh... Right. Sorry about that." I slowly turned around. "I'll go get it."

I sped-walked to the door. Tears began forming at my eyes. I tried to fight them, but I couldn't. Before I knew it, tears were streaming down my face uncontrollably. I quickly draped a white shawl over my shoulders and opened the door, quietly closing it behind me. Now that I was alone, I could cry all I want.

'Honestly, how did I wind up with you? '

I wiped a tear off my cheek and continued to trudge to town. 

Narrator POV-

Finally, (Y/N) arrived at the town. It was a very small town. It just had a few streets, a few buildings, and a few people that walked down the sidewalk. (Y/N) quickly wiped away another tear before walking into one of the shops. She couldn't see the name of the store. Her eyes were too blurry from crying so much.

Once (Y/N) got the ink and the paper, she walked back to the home her and her father shared. But this time, she made sure she walked verrrry slow.


Umm hi! :3

This is my first chapter, and I hope you enjoyed. Sorry it's so short. And I mean reeeaaaally short. I don't really know how to carry on from here in this chapter, but I know what I'm doing in the next chapter. If that makes sense. X.x But thank you for reading ^.^

-Red ^^

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