Chapter Fifteen

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I pounded on the door of Angelica's house.

No answer.

I pounded some more.

No answer.

I pounded some more.

No an-

"What?!" Angelica swung the door open. "Oh. It's just you."

I nodded quickly and held up an envelope.

"An envelope?" She reached forward and took it from my hands. "From General Washington himself?! Oh my gosh! Come in and read it already!"

I grinned and pushed past her and into the dining room, where we both sat down.

"Read it, read it, read it!" She chanted.

"I'm hurrying!" I replied, out of breath from running all the way from Alex's house to Angelica's.

I carefully tore the top of the envelope open.

"Oh, come on! Gimme!" She reached forward and tried to snatch it from me but I pulled it back.

"No! This is my big moment!" I argued.

"Fiiiine, just hurry up." She rolled her eyes.

I started tearing the envelope open faster until I was able to pull out a piece of paper.

I took a deep breath and began reading:

"Dear (Y/N),

It has come to my attention that you are interested in joining the war. It has also come to my attention that you are a woman. It is a very brave move for a woman to join the war, so I praise you. Normally, I wouldn't let a woman try to prove to me that she has what it takes, but considering you are Alexander's sister, I'll give you one chance. One, that's it. We need all the men, or in this case, women, we can get. Meet me at my office (Lol idk) tomorrow and we will discuss this further. If you can't make the meeting tomorrow, unfortunately you won't have any second chances, considering the war is coming up very quickly.


General G. Wash"

"Oh. My. Goodness." Angelica looked shocked.

I didn't even realize my mouth was hanging open.

"(Y/N), you have to go!"

"Oh, no way." I said sarcastically.

"This is so exciting! You can be, like, the first woman to join the war! I'm so proud you're my friend!" She squealed.

"Thanks?" I laughed.

"We have to go tell the others right-"

"Angelica, don't you remember what I said when I brought of the idea of writing General Washington a letter? I said that I wanted it to be a surprise. Besides, I still have to prove to him that I have what it takes, so I wouldn't get my hopes up." I pointed out.

"Well, yeah, but have some hope! I'm sure you'll do great!" Angelica was now standing and twirling her dress around.

"I hope so." I sighed.


This is probs the shortest chapter I've ever written, but at least it's something, right? xD

I really don't have anything to say besides that Tom Holland is my new celebrity crush.

I'm sorry.


-Red ^^

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