Chapter Nineteen

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Eliza's POV

It was early in the morning when Alexander had to leave. I was really tired, obviously, so he just gave me a kiss and left. I wish I could've done more to say goodbye, though. Who knows what could happen to him. But, I went back to sleep and decided not to worry about it that much. He's a smart man, and he has all his friends with him.

Right as I was about to drift off to sleep, I heard footsteps down the hallway.

"Huh?" I whispered, sitting up.

Oh, right. (Y/N)'s here. Not that I'm complaining, though. I really like her, I thought to myself, smiling, and settling back down to sleep.

I blinked open my eyes. It definitely had to be a few hours after Alexander left.

"I wonder if (Y/N)'s awake yet." I thought to myself.

I sat up and stretched, then stood up and walked to (Y/N)'s room to see if she was awake yet.

"(Y/N)? Are you up?" I peeked in the room. "(Y/N)?"

She wasn't there.

"She must be up already, then."

I quietly went downstairs to see, and still, no sign of (Y/N).

"Maybe she's at Angelica's house...?" I asked myself.

But that's when I noticed a folded piece of paper on the table.

I opened it up and read over it carefully:

"Dear Eliza,

I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but I went off to join the war. I spoke it over with General Washington, and I'm sure Alexander, Lafayette, John, and Hercules will keep me safe, so no need to worry.

Sincerely (your best friend),


"What? She went to join the war?" I felt anger and worry bubbling up inside me. "Angelica."

I made my way over to Angelica's house to have a little...Chat... With her.

I knocked on the door.

"Angelica, it's me, Eliza!" I called.

A few seconds later the door swung open.

"Hey sis! Long time no see!" She leaned in for a hug but I batted her arms away.

I held up the note.

"Would you happen to know anything about this?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

She quickly read over the note.

"Uh... No." She smiled awkwardly.

"Yes you do! You're smiling! Where is she?" I shoved passed her.]

"OK fine, I do know a few things about that." She pointed at the letter. "And obviously, she's at the camp where all the soldiers are. Duh."

"Oh, don't get sassy with me. I know you're a feminist, and I'm one myself, but I wasn't talking about how women should fight! She could get killed out there!"

"Please. She's strong. She survived her abusive dad for however many years... Like... ten? And, like it says in the note, Lafayette, Hercules, John, and Alexander will keep her safe, as she will with them." She chuckled at the last part.

"Yeah, they'll try to keep her safe, but that's not a guarantee." I sat down on one of the chairs in the living room and placed a hand on my forehead.

"Come on, Eliza. Stress isn't good for the baby." Angelica rolled her eyes.

"I know... You're right. I shouldn't worry about her so much." I reassured myself, taking a deep breath.

"See? Just go home and... Have a cup of tea or something." Angelica did a closed-eye grin.

"You're right." I repeated, standing up. "Thanks. I think."

"You're welcome." She slung an arm over my shoulder. "Mke, now buh-bye."

She guided me towards the front door.

"I don't have to leave so soon." I spun out of her grasp.

She's acting suspicious.

"Yes you do!" Angelica quickly said. "Uh... I-I mean... I have some errands to run... Mhm."

"Right." I narrowed my eyes at her again. "I'm on to you Angelica."

"Eh?" She laughed nervously, before practically shoving me out the door and slamming it shut. "Bye!" She called through the door.

"I'm on to you, Angelica." I repeated, before walking back home.


Like I said in the little message before this, this is just a filler chapter until I can gather more ideas ^^ The next chapter will definitely be an actual chapter, though :3

If you have any ideas for the next chapter or future chapters, comment here ^^



ok i'll stop now gn

-Red ^^

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