Chapter Twelve

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Before I knew it, it was already the night of the ball. And, was I nervous? Of course. Why was I nervous? Well, first of all, I definitely wasn't a huge fan of big, fancy, poofy dresses. Casual dresses that you can wear basically anywhere? Sure. But fancy dresses? Um... No thanks. Second of all, Lafayette asked me. Lafayette. The tall, handsome French man. Third of all, everybody there will be wearing a fancy dress, which, did I mention I'm not a fan of, and I didn't have one. I probably could still get one today, if I got lucky and it fit perfectly, but there was also another problem. See, I was never really considered the "rich" type. I wouldn't even be able to afford a dress, anyways. So, I basically just sat on my bed for hours until finally, Eliza came barging into the room in the dress that I had picked out for her. Her hair was how she usually had it: In a half up-half down style.

"(Y/N)! Why are you just sitting there? We're leaving soon and you're not even ready!" She rushed over to me and grabbed my hand, attempting to pull me off the bed.

"Eliza, I can't go. I don't even have a dress. And I'll probably just die of a panic attack before I even have a chance to dance with anyone, which, also isn't one of my strengths." I sighed, on the verge of tears for some reason.

Eliza stared at me, her eyes round with sympathy, before snapping her fingers and smiling.

"I can't solve all of those problems, but I can solve one of them! Be right back." She spun around and bustled out of the room. A few minutes later, she came back in.

"What is that?" I noticed she was holding something under her arm.

"Ta-da!" She unfolded the cloth and revealed a very beautiful (F/C) dress that was similar to hers.

"Eliza!" I gasped, immediately standing up and limping over to her. "It's... It's perfect! I love it! And it's my favorite color!"

"I knew you would like it. I bought it the day we were at the store to pick up my dress."

"Oh, so that's what you were doing. You did look suspicious." I laughed, grabbing the dress from Eliza. "Um, I've n ever put on a fancy dress like this before... Can you help me?"

"Of course! But can we wait a few minutes? Angelica and Peggy are going with us, and they can help, too."

"Sure." I smiled.

About 15 minutes later, Angelica and Peggy came over in their fancy dresses, Angelica in a fancy pink one and Peggy in a very pretty yellow one, and agreed to help me with the dress, my hair, and my makeup.

Once they got the dress on, matching it with some white heels, they did my (H/C) hair in a half-up, half-down French-braid hairstyle, and put on light makeup. When they finished, they covered my eyes and brought me over to the mirror, revealing what I looked like. When Angelica removed her hands from my face, I gasped and covered my mouth.

"Wow..." I breathed. "I don't know what to say."

"Thank you?" Peggy put her hands on her hips.

"Peggy!" Eliza glared at her sister. "You look beautiful, (Y/N)."

"Thank you..." I murmured.

"There we go." Peggy smiled.

"Peggy!" Angelica said it this time.

"Be honest, do you think Lafayette will like it?" I folded my hands over each other, looking down.

"Ooh, she's going with Lafayette?" Peggy smirked, wiggling her eyebrows.

~Gunshot~ | John Laurens x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now