Chapter 9

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Jake P.O.V.

This last few days have been awful. Sabrina doesn't come out of her room, she doesn't eat, talks to anyone. Am getting really worry, me and Josh try to talk to her but no use. We knock on her door, and she just tell us to go away. We have been trying to reach mom but she doesn't answer.

Today is the funeral, and am not looking forward to it. Good thing was that me and Josh didn't have to worry about it, because our aunt, Mary, came to help us with, honesty I couldn't have done anything  to prepare the funeral, I still cant believe his gone, my brother, god I miss him so much, it hurts like hell knowing he wont be here anymore. Knowing  that when we got out to the movies he wont be throwing popcorn to us, or watching his favorite soccer team play and screaming, or when he would make fun of me, am just going to miss him being around.


Me and Josh are waiting for Sabrina to come down stairs,  Taylor came by and is helping us with Sabrina, some how that has help but not much.

Finally Sabrina came down with Taylor at her side.

"alright, lets go." Josh said and walked out as I let Sabrina and Taylor go in front of me and then me lastly following them behind.

Shit. they were camera's all over the street. When they saw us they came rushing to us.

I guess I forgot to say that Josh is kind of a famous business person, well not just a little, he owns many company's all over the world.

"hurry, get to the car." Josh said as we all nodded and runned to the car that was waiting for us.

we were in the car already, on our way to the funeral.

"Couldn't have you at least not make this public?!" I asked Josh annoyed.

"I didn't make it Public, am a famous business person what did you expect?" Josh said annoyed.

"some privacy."

"Business people like me don't have that."

"yeah I can tell now."


(I decide to skip the funeral so lets just say it finish.)

The funeral just finished, people were coming up to us and giving us their "sorry for out lost" with a hug or hand shack.

I didn't want people to feel sorry for us. I just don't like it.

Only me and Josh were talking to people. Sabrina was with Taylor right next to the grave of our brother, I looked at her, man she looks so hearbreaken I don't like it, I wish I could take all her pain away.

"hey Jake." I heard a voice in back of me, I took my eyes off Sabrina and faced the person who talked to me.

"Oh hi, mm.. Bradley." 

"Am really sorry for your lost."


"How's Sabrina?" he asked serious.

"She is.... not well, but hanging on there."

"Can I speak to her?"

"sure.  she is right over there." I said and pointed to where she was.

"okay and thanks. Hang on there, it will get better." he said and left.

" I hope." I whisper and walked to Josh.


Sabrina P.O.V.

Be strong???!!!  is all I hear people tell me.

how can I be strong??? when I have lost someone so close to me, my brother. How can I even be thinking of being strong, when all I can think about is him. He is in my mind all day, all I think about, why he left? how did it happen? Did he feel anything or was it just like falling asleep?  I just can't stop thinking he was In pain, and no one was there to help him. Him screaming for help, and no one heard him. Just the thought of him suffering, breaks me and angers me.

This pain is killing me. I want to break down and just let it all out, but am afraid I wont be able to stop and no one will be there for me. The pain feels like someone is taking every bone in my body and are breaking them. I don't want to feel this way.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around. Bradley.

"hey." he said with a small smile.

"Hi." I said almost whispering.

"well I will leave you two, am go." Taylor said.

"Taylor?" I said.

she turned. "yeah?"

"Thank you."

she nodded and left. 

I turned and looked at my brothers grave. I knew Bradley was looking at me and for some reason I couldn't bare to look at him. I felt like he felt sorry for me, and I hate that.

"Sabrina, you don't have to act like you okay with me." he said.

"I am okay." I lied.

he took my shoulders and turned me around.

"look at me." he said and I did.

"No your not okay."


Arthurs note- cliffhanger!!!! wonder what is going to happen next chapter??? and sorry if m writing isn't good. I will try my best to fix it. Anyways am very tried and stress out,  am babysitting and its so tiring, it hasn't even been a week and am tried already. ugh!! and this kids are driving me crazy. pray for me. please. also please vote. got to go. bye


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