Chapter 41

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Anonymous  P.O.V.

(Before the eight days past)

I pick Sabrina up careful making sure not to hurt her. I had to get her out of here before that guy wakes up and tries again to kill her. But no where in the world  will I let that happen. I lost her one time am not losing her again.

I walked as fast as I could throw the forest with Sabrina in my arms. I kept looking over her just to make sure she was still breathing.

I got to my car and placed her in my back seat carefully trying to not hurt her or something. After that I got in the driving seat and drove off.


I got to the hospital, outside of where she lives because I knew they would be looking for her any hospitals near, and I couldn't risk that. I parked in the front and quickly got out and took Sabrina in my arms and ran inside.

"Someone please help me!!" I yelled.

As soon as I finish talking a doctor came over and checked if she was stilling breathing.

"What happen to her?"

"I found her in the forest, I heard screams and they lead me to her. She got hit the the head pretty bad and hasn't woken up seems then and her ankle spring. " I said.

"Do you know her?" He asked.

"No. But please help her." I said. I lied about knowing her but I couldn't tell them who I was not yet. Plus if I did they would ask me her name and then look up her family and tell her she was in this hospital and that Couldn't happen not yet.


I sat down in the waiting room waiting for some news. I toe the doctor I need to know she was okay, he told me it was very nice of me, if he only knew who I was to her.

"Hello?" A voice said.

I took my eyes off the floor and looked up. The doctor was standing in front of me. I quickly stood up.

"Who is she?"I asked nervous.

" not good. She is alive but unfortunately.... She has went into coma.  The hit she reserved should have killed her, she lost a lot of blood, but she is a fighter. Hopefully she will keep fighting and get throw this coma. Sometimes it last 1 week, month, years, I don't know if she will wake up at all. And without her waking up we have no one to contact. I guess we will have to wait for her to wake up if she does. But the bill-"

" I will pay all bills. I found her."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. We don't know if she has anyone, I will be there for her."

" okay. You are a very nice person, wish there was more of you kind of people in the world."

I nodded. " can I see her?"

"Of course. Follow me."


(One month after)

3rd person P.O.V.

One month has past, and nothing about Sabrina. She hasn't been found. Yet for Bradley, Jack, Josh it has felt like  forever.  They have all been so heart breaking. 

Josh and Jack have been so frustrated, they don't eat, sleep, nothing but look for their sister. And have found no clue or anything to lead them to her. The police search the forest and found nothing, plus the first is so big it's hard to cover it all up. And even if they didn't find her they didn't know if she would be alive or not. But they push that thought away, they couldn't lose there sister, they couldn't go throw that feeling again.


Bradley he has it the worst. After realizing he loves her, he was hurting more and in pain.

This month as seem like years and years, like
Everyday kept repeating over and over again and the pain was much worst everyday it past.

He didn't go to school for a few days but then his parents had made him go saying Sabrina wouldn't want that. They talk about her like she was dead, gone, and he hated that, he would talk back to them and tell them she wasn't dead. Because he knew she was alive, she couldn't be dead. He could never accepted that. Ever.  Either way when we went to school he wouldn't give a shit, all he thought was about her. Was she alive? Yes of course she was he would say to himself.

He couldn't reason to the idea of her not being with him anymore. Not after finally realizing he loves her and he couldn't tell her and hopefully hear her say she loves him too. He wants that , he wants to have her back and alive.

He would ask himself,

Is that so much to ask for?


Arthur's note- hey guys! Sorry for not updating yesterday but I was tired and lazy and busy so I couldn't and today well I actually wrote this chapter on my way to LA!!! Yeah!!! Lol! It was like 3 or 4 hours so I had   time to update and sleep😂 anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter! And I think some of you might be confuse or must be asking yourself so many questions that I have left unanswered but don't worry all will come out in its time. I don't know when but I hope soon. Probably more new questions where revealed this chapter, if you catch them as you read.  Anyways please vote and Comment your  thoughts about this chapter? Yeah? Yeah. Love you all. Bye

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