Chapter 67

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A/n- song for chapter.

"Photography by Ed Sheeran"

Love Ed!! His songs are just perfect and jut beautiful! Love him!



3rd P.O.V.

Bradley watch the scene in front of him trying to stop himself from staring but he couldn't. Sabrina was in front of him. She was laughing as something that guy next to her said. The thought was still going around his head well more then one. Who the hell is he? What is he to Sabrina?

He saw how she laughed and smile, that guy was causing that. He was actually making her happy, and he hated that. He wanted to be there in his place and be the one who makes her smile, laugh, blush, not him. As he stare at them he saw when Sabrina laughed again but this time lean into his chest, resting her head there for a few seconds, she took her head off his chest when her eyes meet mine and her smile disappeared. They both stare at each other, he could see sadness in her eyes, He knew she was thinking about what he did, she was hurt because of him. So she broke the stare and started talking to her brother next to her.

"Do any of you know who that guy who you clearly are jealous of his?" Daniel asked curiously. But Daniel knew who he was, he was testing Luke and Bradley.

Bradley look away  from where Sabrina was and looked at Daniel.

"First of all am not jealous, me and her are throw, and second we don't know who he is, that's why am staring over there." Bradley said half lying. Of course he was jealous! But he didn't know who that guy was.

"We don't know." Luke said.

Daniel looked over to the table of where they were and back to the two boys.

Daniel could tell they were telling the truth.

"Well, I do. Am surprise Sabrina didn't tell you who he is, I mean how could she not tell you about her first love. Ex boyfriend." Daniel said.

As soon as Daniel said that Bradley felt angry. Her first love? Ex boyfriend? Why didn't she tell him? Was she back with him? So many thoughts were going throw his head.

"His name is Marcus. You know if I hadn't done what I did to him in the past, you and Sabrina would have never happen, she would still be with you." Daniel said, now Bradley was confuse.

"What do you mean?" Luke said confused as well.

"Well, Marcus dad used to work for me, I forced him. At that time I didn't know Marcus and Sabrina were seeing each other until his father told me he had a son, and that he was dating Sabrina Carpenter. Then I knew she was Sam's daughter. The guy I hate the most. I introduced myself to Marcus, I had him fool, he thought I was nicest person in the world, until I brought him into the business, I afford him to be in it as his father but he said no. After that he hated him, for forcing his dad into the business. He kept quiet to keep his father safe, unfortunately that didn't last long. I wa mad put my offer down so I killed his father. Plus his father Betray me so yeah. After that. I told him to break up with Sabrina or I would kill the rest of his family so he did. He started fake treating her bad, he made her hate him. He destroy the love she had for him to save his family. But I guess that love didn't die uh?" He said smirking and look back at Sabrina who was smiling like crazy and talking to Marcus.

"Anyways, Bradley seen you are done with her, I thought maybe you would like to have some old company? Perhaps a girl we both know every well. She will be here any minute. In the mean time am make some calls. Be back in a bit." Daniel said and stood up and left outside.

Bradley knew exactly who Daniel was talking about, he didn't want her here. Not in the same place as Sabrina. He knew she would find out who she was when she got here and he had to act flirt with her.

"Bradley, I knew this is going to be hard. But you must interact, flirt with her when she gets here. It's the only way to convince Daniel. She is the only one who can help us convince Daniel that you no longer have anything with Sabrina. " Luke said.

"I know what I have to do, even if I don't like it."


(Return to Sabrina)

I continue to eat, and listen to my brothers and Marcus talk about sports and other stuff.

"Marcus you should have seen Sabrina trying to play soccer." Jake said half laughing.

Sabrina turn to Jake and give him a look to not go there but Jake smirk at her. Oh no. She thought.

"Jake...." She warned

"When she was 5 and first started school, she was playing in the playground with some girls playing dolls but Sabrina didn't want to play that so she went.... She went up the her teacher and asked her if she could play soccer with the boys and the teacher said no. Sabrina got all mad mad went to were the boys where and took the ball away from them, then she throw it at the 3 boys until the teacher came and stop her but Sabrina got more mad and throw it at the teacher causing the teacher to lose her Balance and Sabrina pushed her and she fell in the mod."

After Jake finished everybody started laughing expect Sabrina.

Marcus bum his should with hers.

"I can't believe you did that. Why didn't you ever tell me. Who knew 5 year old Sabrina was such a badass." Marcus said and continue laughing.

She couldn't hold it and started laughing with them.

"It was so embarrassing! I felt so bad for my teacher. I just got angry I wanted to play with the ball." Sabrina said in between laughing.

That only caused the boys to laugh more.

Soon the laughing lay down and they started telling other embarrassing stories of themselves.

"Sabrina! Look who just walked in." Jake said serious.

Sabrina took her attention off her brother Luke and look at the front door of the restaurant.

She watched as her and Daniel? Walked to Bradley table.

"Wow." Jake said.

Sabrina couldn't believe it was her. What was she doing her and with yDaniel.

Sabrina watch as before she sat down she give Bradley a kiss but not on the kiss, a peek on his lips. What the heck?



Arthur's note- omg this chapter!! Drama!!! Coming !!! Did anyone see this coming Rowan is the girl!!?? What do you guys think! What's your reaction? Comment Please! What did you guys think of this chapter! Did anyone see it coming? Comment!! I want to know! I can't wait to you guys read what happens.
Vote too! Love you all!
Sorry if this chapter sucked. :/

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