Chapter 68

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A /N- Song for chapter.

"Hello" by Adele

the song is just beautiful and her voice is just beyond amazing!


3rd P.O.V

Sabrina eyes were on Rowan, she walked with Daniel together to Bradley and Luke. Bradley and Luke notice them and stood up. Luke went up to hug her, then Bradley walked up to her. What is he doing? She thought.

Soon Bradley was in front of her and hugged her. Sabrina's eyes widen. Wtf?

"How do those two know each other?" Jake asked surprise as everyone else. But Sabrina ignore his question and just focus of the hugging. She thought it couldn't get worst but then after they separated he kissed her, on the lips.

Sabrina couldn't take it! Her best friend was kissing Bradley!

Suddenly things started to click.

A thought she didn't want to think it was right. But she knew it was.

" he cheated on me with her..... With Rowan...." She said unbelieving what just came out her mouth.

All heads turn to her.

"He cheated on you!!!!!!!" Jake yelled.

Sabrina snap out of it and hold on her tears. She hadn't told Jake or Josh what happen what was the reason they broke up.

Jake had yelled a little to loud because people close by our table looked at us. Even where Bradley was.

Sabrina looked over to her brother who was standing up and looked furious just like her other brothers expect Luke. He knew. She turn to where Marcus is but found his seat empty. Dam it! She knew he was the only one who could help her with his situation. Where was he?

She took a deep breath and sucked her feelings she was feeling down after seeing Bradley kiss her.

"Jake clam down..." She said motioning him to seat down.

"Jake seat down." Luke said.

Jake took a deep breath and sat down. After he sat down people looked away

"Why didn't you tell us." Josh said angrily.

Josh looked around the table and notice Luke not angry or anything just trying to avoid eye contract.

"Did you know about this?" Josh spoke.

Luke looked up to him and before he could answer Sabrina spoke first.

"I told him, the day Marcus brought me home after finding me, I made him promise me he wouldn't tell you. Don't be angry at him but at me." She said.

Jake run his hands throw his head a sign he was frustrated.

"That asshole!" He mumbled.

"Agree." Josh said.

"Can we just forget about it, I really don't want to ruin this night and talk about it. Where is Marcus?" She asked.

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