Chapter 65

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Arthur's note -

Song for this chapter

"Stitches by Shawn Mendes"

I love Shawn Mendes just so you guys know!!!



3rd P.O.V

Bradley slam the door as he enter his house causing his brother to jump.
Bradley didn't even notice him and just went straight to his room. Luke didn't have to guess what Bradley was feeling. He knew that would happen. Luke shake his head and walked up the stairs and made his way to his brothers room.

Luke hesitated to knock at first and took a deep breath and knock. But before he could knock twice, he heard noises coming from his room. All of the sudden things got louder and Luke just went when. The first thing Luke notice was how mess up his room was, things thrown everywhere, mashed. Luke didn't stop Bradley, he knew he had to let him get it out. After punching the whole for serval minutes Bradley stop and sat down on the edge of bed. His breath was heavy, you could tell how angry he was but more then that sad.

"Why did you do it!!!! Why did you tell her!!! Do you have any idea what you have done!!!" Bradley spoke angrily, now looking at his brother.

"You think I would want to hurt you like that?!!! You think I would want to separate you from her?!! It wasn't my choice!!!" Luke snap back at him.

"What the hell do you mean it wasn't your choice!!! It's your choice!! You make you own choices!!!" Bradley said getting up from the bed and facing his brother standing up.

"Are you forgetting who the hell we work for?!!! What kind of mess we are in!!!! The business we are in?!! Because don't forget that once we got into the business of our uncle, we lost our choices, we lost control of our lives. Don't forget who Daniel is!!" Luke said with angry in his voice.

"Did he make you do this!? I swear that bastard!!! Am going-"

"No your not going to do anything!!" Luke cut him off.

"What are you kidding me?!!! Luke he the devil!! Look what he making us!! Look what he did to our family! Dad and mom, dad is in this business too!! We have to get out of this mess!"

"Bradley, we can't at least not yet."

"Why are you like this? You hate him as much as I do! Why can't we just quit!?"

"You and I both know the only way out of this is death. And I don't want to die. Plus he has something of us."

"What are u talking about! For once Luke tell me what you know! Why does Daniel want Sabrina and her family died! Why did u get into this business! Tell me! How can an uncle do this to us."

"He's not our uncle! Okay! And dad isn't our dad! And mom, she isn't our mother!!! Okay!! There just people Daniel put us with so they could take care of us. Our brother who is supposedly at college isn't, Daniel has him hostage, he had our real parents hostage, our little sister, she isn't really at our aunts house, he has her. He was our family. I didn't get into this my choice, he told me if I didn't he would kill them. Everything that I have done and regret so much it's because of him. Because I   want to keep our family alive. That's why! He doesn't want you close to Sabrina because..... Sabrina father..... He hates him. I don't kneel why. That you have to ask her."

Bradley fall back into the bed and sat down. This was a lot for him to take in. His father that he thought all along wasn't his father and neither was the mom he thought was his mom. And his little sister and brother where hostages of him. All along he thought they were safe when really they have been with that bastard.

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