chapter 15

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Sabrina P.O.V.

"WAIT? WHAT!" I yelled confuse.

Bradley looked over to Josh, and John to Jack and back at us.

I don't have a good feeling.

"One two -" Jack started counting.

"what the he-" I said but cut myself off when they started running towards.

"RUNN!!!!!!!!" Vanessa screamed and I didn't even think before started to run around the tennis court and get out.

We got out of the court and I look back to see the guys running to us.

"Where do we go they are coming?" I asked.

"here is an idea every girl to herself." Taylor said and ran away as Vanessa ran the opposite side.

"Really guys?! Great friends I have." I said annoyed.

I look back and the guys had finally reached out of the courts. Dang it.

They looked around until there eyes landed on me.

Josh started running the direction Vanessa ran and Jack ran to find Taylor. And Bradley just looked and me and smirk. Shit.

he started running towards me and I quickly started running.

"Being in track before  better pay off." I whisper to myself.


I had finally lost Bradley. It was in the garden, he didn't know it well and it was pretty big so he didn't even bother looking around as I hide in back of the flowers.

"I have to find the girls, but what if they caught them already. " I  thought to myself. I suddenly felt a vibration coming from my leg. Oh that's right I put my phone in my sock and don't ask me why, I just did.

I pull it out and saw I had a message from Bradley.

(text message)

Bradley- Am find you, babe.

I laughed.

Me- Yeah and how is that working out for you?

Bradley- I will always find you, always. Don't forget that.

Me- Well in the mean time, good luck with that.

Bradley- I will. Infect I know where you are already!

Me- haha. You wish.

Bradley- Maybe you should remember to turn off you location.

I froze and look at my text I had the location on. Dang it.  I looked around and ran out of the garden.

I called a group call.

(Sabrina, Vanessa, and Taylor group call)

Me- Where are you guys?

Vanessa-Am in back of the bushes by the back door.

Taylor- I honesty don't know. I tried getting Jack lost but I think I got lost myself.

Me-  okay. good you guys haven't got caught yet.

Taylor- me never. you know I never lose.

Vanessa- me either and especially not to boys.

Me- okay we need a plan. How far are you guys from the pool?

Vanessa- Not far.

Me- and you Taylor?

Taylor- I think am close, but I don't know if I can make it there I have Jack looking around where am at.

Me- just get to the pool as soon as possible.

Vanessa- okay

Taylor- fine

I hang up and hurry to the pool.

"Found you." I heard a voice in back of me and I knew who it was exactly. I didn't even look back and i just ran off to the pool.

As I ran I looked around and spotted Taylor running across the field with Jack in back of her but she was a lot faster then him, man that girl can run. I turned the other way and spot Vanessa who was running for her life with Josh in back of her. Shit.

I grabbed my phone and called both of them.

(group call)

Taylor- Sabrina, as much as I love to talk to you, am kind of busy

Vanessa- yeah I don't know if you notice but am fucking being chase like a cat by a dog.

Me- just listen, I have a plan.


Arthurs note- Cliffhanger!! again sorry for always leaving you hanging, i was going to make this chapter longer but I

 was really busy today, and barley right now which its 11pm am not busy and i promise a chapter today so I had to even if its not a long one. but don't worry tomorrow in the afternoon, am free or that is what I think, I might go to the movies but not sure, but I will update tomorrow, some time just not in the morning. Now i should go to sleep, but I have other things to do. anyways vote and comment please bye. love you all.


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