Chapter 8

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Bradley P.O.V.

 I was at Sabrina House with her brothers, who were so heart breaking about their brothers' death, I mean who blames them, their brother just died.

We were waiting for the doctor to come down and tell use how she was.

"he's coming." Jake said which cause me and John to look up.

We rush over to the doctor who was on his way down the stairs

"How is she?" Josh asked.

"Physically she is okay, but emotionally  she isn't. But you need to keep an eye on her, someone has to be with her 24/7, she has to eat, go out, usually deaths of love ones leave them really bad, and we don't want that for her, so talk to her, let her know she isn't alone, that John wouldn't want this for her. because of course you don't want her to physically hurt herself, or harm herself. I will give you some pills that will make her hungry, if she doesn't eat, and other pills as well. As for School, give her some days, maybe 2 weeks, and then I will come back and check up on her. Hopefully she will be better by then." The doctor said and handed Josh a paper.

"i will walk you out." Jake offered and the doctor nodded.

"Thank you." Josh said to me.

I turned to look at him. " for what?"

"for bring my sister home, and not leaving her there."

"your welcome but I would never do that."

"I know that now."

"i should get going its late,  can I come and see her tomorrow?"

"sure, hopefully that will cheer her up. And thank you again."

"no problem."


 It was already. shit. am so in trouble.

I tried not to make a sound when I open the door. I closed the door, and I tried to be as quiet as a ninja and tip toe throw the living room and upstairs and into my room.

I was half way up the stairs when the lights went on. Shit.

"What do you think your doing?" a familiar voice said.

 I carefully turn around and tried to act normal and faced my dad.

"Nothing. just going up to my room and just chill, you know." I lied.

" Where have you been? do you  know what time it is, tomorrow we have a meeting for Football and I don't want you to be late like today. Now answer me where were you?"

" I was walking Sabrina to her house and-"

"Sabrina Carpenter??? and you took that long to walk her home. And why were you with her?" he asked annoyed.

How the hell did he know her? And why does it sound like he doesn't like her, I mean he doesn't even know her or her family right?

"Her brother died. She got a call and she fainted and I took her to her house. I stayed until the doctor said she was okay. I just wanted to make sure she was okay. what is so wrong with that?"

"She is from those new kids huh? I don't want you to be hanging out with her. Remember who she is, she is one of those kids who came and want to take over our town, or school, your team. "

"maybe they don't want to take over our school or town. Maybe we are just wrong about it and they don't want that. "

"Don't argue with me. Now do like I told you don't talk to her or hangout with her. Understood!?"

"yes Father."

"Good now go to sleep and you better be early to the meeting."

"goodnight father."


Arthurs note- Short Chapter today. Anyways what do you guys think? Will Bradley stay away? or will he not? And why does his Father doesn't want him hanging out with Sabrina? I think I smell some family pasts. Also Sabrina!! What will happen with her in the next chapter? expect some crying and broken things. Anyways vote please. bye love you all. and thanks for my 1K.


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