Chapter 38

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Arthur's note-

Quote above for today chapter!

Am sorry!:(


Something is going down!!!

Please don't kill me!!!

am sorry!

You have been warned!


Sabrina P.O.V

"Finally!" I yelled as me and the girls enter the locker rooms. Today we practice more seen we have a big game coming next week on Friday. If we win that one we could go play 2 more games but the other team is every good.

"Couch is right we have to not get distracted!" One of the girls said.

Everybody yelled yes in respond. I just smiled.

"Did you hear there is a play that is going to happen soon? Who would like to act in a stupid play right?" Jennifer said another girl from the team.

"I know right who the hell wants to act, those are lame people." Another girl said.

I blocked there comments and continue to dress out of my practice clothes and my regular clothes.

"Right Sabrina?" Someone said getting me out of my thoughts.

"What?mmm... Right..." I said. I didn't want to argue with them, after all they are my teammates but I didn't agree with them. Plus if I did Vanessa and Taylor weren't here. Vanessa was out on a trip with her mother to visit her grandma in Ohio, and Taylor I haven't seen her seems that two nights ago.

Anyways I want to tell them they wrong about that. I have something to say, I always wanted to be in a play I was back in my old school, also I sing in every talent show seen the 5th grade but I stop last year. After the attack at the school and my home town. But no one knew about that, I love to act and sing but I guess here people think it's lame.


I opened the doors and felt the cold wind, it can get pretty cold in the night sometimes plus winter is almost coming,so yeah.

Today I had to walk home, Bradley was still in practice as of them they still have practice until 10 and we have it until 9:30!

I was half way home and I had a bad feeling right now. I felt scare, I felt like I was being followed, watched! I wanted to look back but I knew if I did something or someone would be there. But me being stubborn as I am, i thought it wouldn't hurt to just turn around and see right?

I turned around and tried to see in the darkness and there someone was!!! I thought I was seeing things but I closed my eyes and thought maybe I imagine it but I was wrong that person was walking fast towards me.

I froze I didn't know what to do. I took my phone out.

"Hey babe." Bradley said from the other line.

That's when I knew that couldn't  be him walking toward me!

"Bradley where are you?" I said nervous, I knew it was seconds before I  started crying.

"I am still at school-wait- Sabrina what is wrong? Why do you sound scare? Babe?"

" Bradley someone is walking towards me,I thought it was you. I don't know what do to? He is getting closer! Am scare!"

I heard Bradley on the phone yelling but I couldn't hear anything. The person started running towards me and I ran. I drop my phone but I couldn't go back!

I kept looking back to see and the person was running faster! I didn't think and went into the forest, there was no houses near here only trees and forests for some 1 or 3miles! Plus we didn't live right in the middle of LA but in the outside in the not so crowded place!

I was lost, I just kept running. I felt like the trees where losing on me.i kept looking back thinking and wishing that person wasn't following me but I was wrong. The person was getting closer! I kept running until I felt myself falling. I tripped. I tried to get up but I couldn't. I think I sprained. my ankle! It hurt so much.

" I got you!" Someone said.

I stop looking at my ankle and looked up but saw just a person, but I couldn't see his face due to it was dark and in the forest.

"Please don't kill me." I cried holding my hands up.

"Aww. Am sorry sweetheart. But orders are orders." He said and I saw him pull something out of his back. A gun! He put the gun up and aimed at me. I closed my eyes hoping this was all a dream but it wasn't.

And then I heard it, the sound of the gun going off.


Arthur's note- cliffhanger!! Omg!! Am sorry to leave you hanging!!! Guess you guys have to wait uh? So sorry!

But hey let me know your thoughts and how you feel?

Love you guys!

Vote and comment please

Don't kill me!!


Ps. Sorry I have been messing the name of Sabrina older brother I keep putting John but his name is Josh. John is the name of the brother that died. Okay?okay. Sorry if I mess up again. I get them confuse

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