Chapter 29

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Read Arthurs note at the end! enjoy! bye :)

Sabrina P.O.V.

I woke up in the morning by some one shaking me. Who the hell is it? Can they just let me sleep!!!

"Let me sleep." I said, putting my face in my pillow.

"Its not morning anymore, idiot. You slept all day, and Bradley is here." Taylor said.

NO! what? that can possibly be, I couldn't have slept that much!

I quickly got up.

"What do you mean he is here?" I asked Taylor.

"His not! I just wanted you to get up." she said.

"Omg! Taylor don't ever to that again."

Gosh this girl almost give me a heart attack.

"What time is it anyways?" I ask.

"8am" she said.

My mouth drop. " and why the hell are you waking me up at 8am in the morning?!"

"Okay don't get mad. I talk to Bradley, well not exactly more like text."

"You what?!!! what did you do?!"

" calm down girl. I just text him, to ask where he was taking you and  of course he said it was a surprise but I argued with him that you need to know what to wear, you know so you wouldn't be over dressed. So he did. So know we are going shopping before your date."

" Oh good, I thought you told him something else." I said and sat down on the bed.

"Like how last night you where dreaming about him?" she asked with a smirk.

"What?! I was not!"

"Really? because I am sure I heard you say, Bradley's name many times   and you were smiling too."

"I was not." I lied. Okay yes I dreamed about Bradley, and it was the best dream ever. I wont say what it was about because hopefully it can become true one day.

"Fine then it doesn't matter if I told him, because you say its not true."

I got up and walked up to her. " please tell me you didn't. Omg that is so embarrassing."

I started  walking back and forth around my room. thanking of what Bradley most of thought. What if  thinks am crazy or doesn't want to go out anymore or what if-

"Sabrina calm down. I didn't tell him." Taylor said. She was right in front of me, I didn't even notice she was right in front of me.

" Taylor serious you have to stop messing with me about that."

"I know but its just funny. You should have seen your face!" she laughed.

"I will let that go but only because your my best friend."

" best friend do that all the time. that's why we are."

I shake my head, " so are we going to go to the mall or what?" I asked.

"hell yeah. we need to look for your outfit. Now go take a shower. She said.

 I nodded and left to the shower.


Arthurs note- Omg hey guys! its been to long! almost a week, wait it is a week seen am writing this at 12am almost going to be 1am. Its weird am that type of Arthur who like updates in the middle of the night! lol  but that just how I am. anyways I am deeply sorry for not updating for so long, cuz believe me a week is to much for me. I have been having so personal problems, and just need to take a break, and also babysitting all week, and I haven't been getting sleep like foreal I sleep too late, and wake up early cuz of babysitting. I barley sleep 6 hours, and that isn't enough. Anyways  that is why I also haven't wrote the date, like I was planning on doing it on this chapter but seen I want to like write it good, am just kind of waiting for ones I have enough time to write it and I don't want to rush it, so yea. the date will probably happen in the next 2 chapters, am sorry if you were expecting the date on this chapter. but I want to write it good. Anyways, I also want you guys to give me ideas for dates, like what would you want for a first date or what do you think he will take her? comment below and vote. Also I might or not update tomorrow, depends cuz I might go get a new phone, so yeah. love you all see you soon. 

Fun and scary fact- its 1am already and am home alone. Am kind of scare, my  parents are at a party, and am just here alone in my house. lol bye


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