Chapter 78 (part 2)

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I love this gif!^^^^ "Sometimes its not acting, its just giving up, not feeling anything not caring, maybe that way you wont get hurt, you wont break more. " just something I wanted to say. thought? nope. okay. :)


a/n- Am sorry if this chapter sucks! :(

warning- heat up kiss ahead, but don't worry I warn again as you read before you get there if your not comfortable reading that.


3rd P.O.V.

Sabrina slam her door, making a loud bang. She was angry, but she didn't know at who Bradley for agreeing to go with her or Rowan for doing this. Part of her was angry at Bradley, thinking he could have said no, and make an excuse, but she knew that Daniel and Rowan were probably having doubts about them not seeing them each other anymore. She knew Bradley wouldn't do it, if there was no other options, but right now jealously was taking over her. No one would want to see their boyfriend going on a date with another girl who isn't them. And what made things worst was that it wasn't just for one day date, no it what for a whole week, they would be hanging out together.

Sabrina was jealous, scared that Rowan might try to do something, like kiss him, or hold his hand, or worst make out with him. Just those thoughts made Sabrina want to throw up. Sabrina knew she was the only one who should make out with him, no one else. Yet they had made out sometimes.

(A/n- They have made out but I never include it in the story, lol just go along with it. Would you guys like a make out scene? Haha.)

But that wasn't the point right now, the point was Bradley was going out with her ex best friend, with the daughter of Daniel who has done nothing but try to hurt her and kill her family.

Now the jealously, anger, everything she was feeling disappeared when a thought came to her.

Bradley. He was going to be With Daniel's daughter, the guy who wants to kill her and her family. What if he try's to kill him?

'No. He wouldn't' Sabrina thought.

She hadn't been overthinking things, and not realize Daniel could actually easy kill Bradley, knowing that would hurt her, break her.

Now she was worried, she needed to see him, she would wait until he would leave for 'date.'











Bradley checked the time, it was 6:30. He let out a sighed, it was getting closer. At 7:30 he had to pick Rowan up for their so called 'date.'

He would so much rather, without a dought, want to go one a date with his girlfriend instead, they had only went on one real date, and he wanted to go on more with her, but the situation they were in wouldn't allowed it. He couldn't go out in public with the girl he love, and he had to go with a girl didn't want too.

He wanted to get up form his bed, and go to Sabrina. But she had ask him to give her time, leave her alone right now, and even if he didn't want to, he knew he had to respect her wishes. He hated to see her upset, angry, he just wanted her to be happy. He knew she had very reason to feel like she felt. Rowan was her best friend, and she actually cared about her, and she was betrayed.

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