Chapter 77

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A/N- Song for Chapter "Smoke and Fire" by the one and only Sabrina Carpenter


3rd P.O.V. 

Sabrina was breathing hard, she turn the corner going to the stairs. She look back seeing he was catching up to her. He sure was, and was smirking at her. She laughed and started running down the stairs, but she wasn't fast enough, half way down the stairs she felt two arms around her waist.

Who doesn't like hugs from behind?

Her breath hitched when she felt his breath on her shoulder, and giving her a kiss on her exposed skin. She took a deep breath.

"Got you, babe." he whisper in her ear and move down to her side of her neck giving her kisses as he went down and she let her head fall  on his shoulder giving him more access. His arms tightening around her pulling her back closer to him. His lips felt really soft on her skin. It was a great feeling she really like.

She felt her knees go weak.

She had a weakness, and that was it. He knew it.

"B-Bradley..." She said but came out as a soft moan.

She knew they couldn't being doing this not here downstairs, where her brothers or father could come in and see them. They were all alone in the house, her brothers had went out to buy some dinner along with Bradleys' brother Luke. They had left them here alone almost 20 minutes ago, said they would be back in half an hour or less.

"Mm..." he responded.

"Stop.." She said but really she didn't want him too.  It was her freaking weakness.

"But why?"  he asked in-between the kisses he was leaving on her neck.

"Because... they can be here any minute.... and we were suppose to chose a movie to watch." she said trying to hold back a moan from leaving her mouth.

Bradley didn't respond but instead continue to kiss her for a minute or two before he pulls away.

"Okay fine, lets go look for the movie but only because I don't want to get my ass kick by your brothers."


After fighting for what movie to watch they had finally decide to watch the 5th wave. They had went throw 40 movies and finally had agree to watch this one. They were all in the living room watching the movie, almost about to finish. They had ate In N Out and had finish it half way throw the movie.

Sabrina and Bradley were sitting next to each other cuddling  on one side of the coach, while on the other  end of the coach was her oldest brother already asleep. Luke and Jack were asleep too on the other coach, and lastly Nick sitting down on the single coach almost falling asleep.

Sabrina had her head on Bradley chest, while his arm around her. She was tired, but she wanted to finish the movie. Plus she was waiting for her dad and Marcus to get home, she had no idea where they had went but they had been out all day. She wanted to speak to her dad but when she woke up Nick told her he had went out with Marcus to solve some stuff.

She didn't know why but she was worried, she knew they weren't safe out there with Daniel watching their every move. 

She wanted to wait up until they got home but for some reason she was very tired and just wanted to sleep, but she was worried that something could happen as soon as she closed her eyes.

"Bradley maybe you should take Sabrina to sleep already, both of you." Nick said to them.

"No I want to wait." Sabrina protested.

Nick sighed, "Sis, it looks like they wont be coming any time soon right now, go to sleep I promise I will wake you both up if they get here."

"Fine... " she said.

Sabrina and Bradley both got up and headed to her room.

Once inside, she went straight to her closet and grab some clothes to sleep in, and headed to the bathroom while Bradley change too in her room. Bradley and Luke would be staying here for some days, though they had to be careful Daniel couldn't find out.

Once she change, she went back into her room where Bradley was already laying down. For the last two days they had been sleeping together, nothing else. Even if her brothers weren't so okay with it but Bradley took away the nightmares, so her brothers allowed it.

She walked over to the bed and lay down next to him, she pull the covers over them and cuddle next to Bradley. Putting her head on his chest and his arm around her.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He said giving her a kiss on her forehead.





Arthurs note- Hey guys! hope you like this chapter even though it suck uh? I feel like this is a terrible chapter. :/ Am sorry if it is.. and kind of boring too. Also sorry. Trying not to have so much drama happening in all chapters, but something is coming. Just know that. But anyways lets talk about Smoke and Fire! the song is freaking perfect! I actually have been listening to it a lot. Have you guys? I cant wait for the video.

Anyways comment and vote! love you all. bye


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