Chapter 53

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Sabrina P.O.V.

" I can't believe you are here!" I said to Rowan.

She had just came back from London and came straight here from the airport. She had been here seen the morning and now it was 8pm.

"So you were in coma for that long?" She asked again.

I just had told her about what happen to me and she didn't believe me.

"I am being honest I was. It's been a coma for a few weeks and my brothers then wanted to spent some sibling time so we came here for 3 days but now were staying for 5 days!"

" So who's the boy?" She asked randomly and giving me a smirk.

"What?" I asked.

" you know. Who's the boy that has you Liam this? All in looovvve." She sang the word love.

" I don't know what your talking about?" I lied.
Of course I knew who she was talking about.

"Sabrina don't you dare play around with me! Who is it!" She said in a serious tone.

"Bradley..."  And as soon as I said that I felt myself blushing.

"Omg!! Who is he? How does he treat you? Is he cute? Does he play any sports? How long have you been together? Have you kissed? Hold hands? Made o-"

"Wow. Slow you horses girl. His name is Bradley, we have been dating for some time now...and.."


"Sounds like you have fallen for him, deep." Rowan said to me.

" I know... But..."

"Your scared. You don't have to be afraid of saying it Sabrina. What happen with Marcos, it was horrible but Bradley sounds like a nice guy, totally the opposite of Marcos. He wouldn't hurt you like he did. No everyone is the same."

"I know."

"Does he know?"

"Know what?"

" About Marcos? What happen between you and him."

"No. I haven't told him. Am not sure if I want to tell him."

" it's up to you if you do or don't."

"Have you heard from him?"

"Marcos? Yeah. He is still living in London. I actually didn't see him while I was there but I did see his mother."

"Oh." I said. That's all I could really say. I haven't seen him in so long or heard from him.

I was about to ask her something else but her phone ringed.

She spoke on the phone for about 5minutes and finally hang up.

"I have to go. My mother wants me back home already. She is waiting outside but I will see you tomorrow at my party right?"

"Of course."

We both got up from my bed and headed down stairs. I walked her to the door and hugged goodbye.

"Aww! She left and didn't stay for dinner! How rude" Josh said out of nowhere coming out of the kitchen.

I laughed. "What's for dinner?"

"Come and see."


(Next day)

I Woke up the next day not getting enough sleep. All night I had been thinking about Marcos.  But not for the reason you might think, I was thinking about what happen with him.

He was my first love, and I loved him, but now am not so sure he was. Did I even really love him?  I have never felt like this with Marcos like how I feel with Bradley.

Probably because he was the  first guy to ever really  liked me and show me but that didn't last long.

I should probably tell you my story with him uh?


It all started when........


Arthur note- CLIFFHANGER!!! Sorry not sorry!!! So you guys finally going to find out who Marcos is uh??!!  The story  for him is going for a twist that none of you will expect. Who do you guys think happen with Marcos?  Comment below!! And vote!! I will try to update today again or tomorrow!! Sorry for short chapter! Love you all!

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