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That night I slept in a guest room. Athena said I wasn't allowed to sleep in the same bed as her until I got tested for any sexual diseases. The next morning, I orchestrated a family meeting with everyone, including my friends and I explained the trip. They all seemed excited. Maddox began listing all the places that he wanted to go and I promised that we'd go anywhere in the States that he wanted to go. Athena's siblings were even happy, even though they were still angry with me for leaving their sister all alone. I knew they would be easier to win over. Her siblings would probably stay mad at me for one more day, but for Athena, I wasn't sure. She was really serious about the divorce and I really couldn't f-ck up. One little mistake could push her over the line.

Jamal and Ryker talked everyone into going to Atlanta, Georgia first. I knew why they both wanted to go. The strip clubs. Noa was chill and Jamal treated her right, so I knew she would let him go out. She would probably even go with him, but Athena wasn't going to let me go anywhere. I was stuck in the doghouse and I was fine with that. I've spent months with my friends, but now it was time to enjoy the company of my wife and kids. Strip clubs really weren't my thing anyways. It was always too crowded and big sh-t talkers with lots of money always gloated. I had money, too, of course, but I didn't shove it in everyone's face. I didn't want to get robbed, or cause a scene and get shot by some rival gang member.

Votes ruled unanimously for our first trip to be in Atlanta. Ryker and Jamal gave each other a high-five and smiled giddily. Noa just laughed at her husband and then whispered something to Athena. She giggled and whispered something back. I watched the two talk and sighed. She would barely open up her mouth to me. I guess it's what I get for being an inconsiderate asshole.

We were all planning to leave tonight if everything went right. Jett and I still had to go shopping to buy vehicles for transportation, then we had to get gas, and snack foods for the road. Since we were the planners, it was a lot on our hands, but I knew we could get it done.

Once the meeting was over, I headed to the clinic to get the whole test thing over with. I was highly sure that I didn't have any diseases. The only way I could've got one was if Emily had something, which I doubt she did. A bunch of people were sitting down in the waiting room, reading magazines and talking amongst themselves. It seemed like I was the only person alone. Most people were with their partner or their friends. I sighed as I looked down at my watch. The place seemed so filthy and I just wanted to get out. All of it was so weird. When they called my name, I jumped up and quickly went to the back. The nurse tried to make small talk as she gave me shot after shot. She even tried to talk to me as she checked out my genitals which made things even more awkward. Thankfully, all the results came up negative and I was in tiptop sexual shape. I made sure that I got a copy of the papers to show Athena because I knew she wouldn't believe it by word of mouth.

When I got home, I found Athena sitting on the couch with Aspen in her lap. They were watching a children's show and my wife seemed just as interested in it as my daughter was. I quirked up a brow as I watched Athena, shout out an answer at the television. "Shh, mommy! It's my turn," Aspen scolded her before barely covering her mother's mouth with her small hand. Athena chuckled and I did too. They both turned towards me and I waved the few papers with my hand. "What's that, daddy," Aspen asked as I went to sit beside the two. Athena sighed once I sat down and I could tell she was just bothered by me being in her presence. Our marriage really was on the brink.

"It's my papers that I need to show your mommy. It's big girl business," I told Aspen and she frowned.

"But mommy said I was a big girl!"

"You'll be a big girl when you help pay some bills around here," I told her. Of course bills weren't a problem. My money was abundant and at this point, I could stop and live off the rest of my finance for life; but I couldn't. Once you were in the game, it was hard to get out. Franco had told me that when he first handed over his job as a drug lord to me, but I took his advice without much thought. Now, it all made sense. When you wanted to sit down and actually raise kids and enjoy your spouse, you couldn't.

Jeopardy Road (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now