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I ignored my son as I stared at the woman in awe. Why in the hell was she here in Maui of all places!? I knew she didn't have enough money for such an expensive trip, unless she hit the lottery or something. The last time I saw her and she took advantage of me she was barely in a decent dress. She looked at me just as I looked at her, as if I wasn't supposed to be here. Her arms crossed and she pressed her lips together as if she was trying to figure out what to say next. I didn't know what to say and all I wanted to do was walk away but my feet didn't move an inch. It was like they were glued to the sand.

Maddox was the one to break the silence between the two of us. "How do you know each other," he asked a bit skeptically as he looked from Emily to I. I chuckled a bit awkwardly before pulling him close to me. That's when Emily's eyes lit up.

"That's your son!? Oh my God! He's so adorable! He looks just like Athena! How is she?!" I stared at Emily blankly. Was she just going to act like she didn't basically have sex with me after she slid me a pill? That was basically rape! I should have her ass in jail for that! I didn't answer her question but instead stared at her in honest frustration. I didn't want to see her ever again after the last time we spent together but here she was and I had saved her life. Isn't life a b-tch?

She bent down and began being friendly with Maddox. Normally, Maddox didn't like when people babied him or pinched his cheeks but he smiled and giggled at Emily. He probably thought she was pretty, but only if he knew the baggage that she came with. "Well, it was nice seeing you. We should get going," I said as I put my hand on Maddox's shoulder. Just because I saved her life didn't mean she had to chat with me and be friendly.

Her eyes looked from Maddox and up to me. "You know you don't have to act like I have some deadly and contagious disease, Kai. I don't want you. What happened a couple of months ago just happened. I was bored and you were there."

"So, you drugged me because you were bored!?" Instead of arguing against her logic, she just rolled her eyes and sighed. "You really helped me f-ck up my marriage even more so thank you for that. You may not have some contagious and deadly disease, but you're one hell of a b-tch and you're always causing drama in my life so why don't you just stay out of it?" For some reason, Emily laughed at me and it only made me angrier. "What the f-ck is funny?"

"You're the one who sought me out in the club. You wanted it to happen just as much as I did but that's beyond the point. I won't talk about this in front of your son, but trust me, Kai, I do not want you. I'm actually with someone." I scoffed and crossed my arms as I stared at Emily from her head to her toes. Who was so unlucky to be dating her? Whoever it was sure wasn't going to stay for long. Emily used to be sweet and possibly the best girlfriend you could ever imagine but that was more than a decade ago and now she was bitter and psychotic. If she had someone then that was brilliant, maybe I didn't have to deal with her being in my life anymore!

"Well, that's great. I hope the person can tolerate you and you guys live happily ever after. Now if you can excuse me, I'm tired of looking at your face." I began to turn to walk away with my son, but Emily said something that made me turn back around.

"I wouldn't talk to me like that if I was you."

"Why the f-ck not," I asked roughly as I turned on my heel. The last thing I needed right now was her bullsh-t. If she was to cross the line, I had no problem leaving her flat in the sand. I didn't need any more drama especially in Maddox's presence.

"Because my new girlfriend already hates your guts and if she heard that you were being absolutely rude to me then she'd do things to you that you couldn't even imagine in your worst nightmares," Emily spat at me with vigor. I stared at her for a few seconds with amusement before laughing out loud. Who the f-ck was her girlfriend for me to be scared of her!? I was the biggest drug lord in f-cking Chicago. Who the f-ck do I have to be scared of? Definitely not some vegan b-tch that loves cats, who was probably Emily's new girlfriend.

Jeopardy Road (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now