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Slowly, I crept up the old, noisy stairs. I was trying to be as quiet as possible. There was no telling how many people were beyond the basement so my best bet was to be as stealthy as possible. The only thing I had to protect myself with was a knife while I'm sure Gert and her people had their guns in hands. I was really risking everything at the moment, but I was going to at least try to be the hero of the day.

When I got to the door that would leave me to the first level of the house, I put my ear to it to see if I could hear anything. There was nothing but silence. No voices. No footsteps. Maybe nobody was here. If we were all alone then it'd be an easy escape for Athena and I. With caution, I twisted the door knob and opened the door at a snail's pace. Once I opened the door I peeked both ways to make sure no one was around and then closed it.

I stood there near the kitchen and looked around. The house was completely dark, signaling it was night time and the place seemed empty. I stopped crouching and stood up to my feet and walked a few steps into the kitchen. The next goal was to find a firearm. A knife wasn't going to be too handy for me. I walked through the kitchen and into a hallway. That's when I heard someone talking from one of the rooms. I noticed the voice as Gert's.

I mumbled a curse word but carefully made my way towards her voice. When I got to the room where the sound was coming from, I leant against the door frame and bravely peeked in. Lucky for me, Gert was facing the direction away from me. Across from Gert was three people who were tied up to chairs. They had duct tape over their mouth and Gert had a gun in her hand. One of them made eye contact with me but they quickly looked away to try not to make it obvious to Gert who was going on a rant.

The three people were: Jett, Phoenix and Charlie. They must've tried to come and rescue me but was caught somehow. "It's cute that you guys are loyal to Kai. You are very generous friends. I'm sure many people wish they were kept in good company such as yours. But, you know, loyalty always comes to bite you in the ass. In this case, loyalty is about to be a reason why I put a cap in your ass. Now, who wants to go first?"

I took a deep breath and ran out of cover and lodged the knife in Gert's back. She screamed out in pain and turned around. That's when I punched her in the face with all of my might. She was caught off guard and she was surprised to see that I had gathered enough strength to make it out of the basement. She dropped her gun when I punched her so I hit her again. Even though a knife was in her f-cking back, she continued to fight back. She socked me in the jaw and tried to bend down for her gun but I pushed her away before she could grab a hold of it.

I bent down and picked the gun up myself and pointed it towards her. Her lip was dripping blood as she scooted away with her hands out towards me as to beg me not to shoot. She had to be f-cking dumb if she thought she wasn't going to die after all she put me through. "It's over, Gert."

"Or is it?" Gert reached behind her and pulled the knife out of her back as she screamed in agony. Before I could even pull the trigger, she threw the knife across the room toward me and it pierced me the abdomen. She smirked as I fell down to my knees and looked down at the knife embedded inside my stomach. "Now, we can both die."

I took a heavy breath and lifted up the gun. "F-ck you," I told her before putting a bullet into her skull. Blood splattered and her body went limp. I looked over to my three friends who were looking at me with fright. I felt like I had no more energy left but I had to help them out.

My shirt was drenched with blood and I tried to force myself to get up, but I couldn't. My eyes were getting heavy and I was starting to feel weak. I looked over to my three friends and most importantly to Jett who was trying to give me a signal with her head. She was directing towards her pocket. She was almost reaching distance. I just had to scoot to get towards her, so I did. I felt her pockets and there was a phone. The only thing left to do was to call 911.

Jeopardy Road (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now