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The song in the media made me think of Kai and Athena when it came on my iPhone so I think it's right to say that's it's their song. Lmfao. xx


"So, where should we go next," Sage asked a few moments after the food had come. Everyone had been talking and catching up as we waited for our food, but I didn't utter a word. No one was talking to me so I didn't feel the urge to talk to anyone else. "I was thinking we should go somewhere else here in the south since we're already down here. You know like Alabama, North Carolina, maybe Tennessee. We could see some cool, unique places from history and go to some nice museums for the kids."

I nodded my head in agreement. It would be pretty nice to shy away from the larger cities and get to explore some smaller southern towns. Atlanta had a lot of history and unfortunately we didn't really explore it like we should've, but that didn't mean we couldn't dwell in the history of other states. "No offense, but isn't this supposed to be like a fun family vacation," Tessa asked. Keyword: family. I still couldn't believe Athena and Noa had invited her. "We can Google history any time that we want to. I think we should go somewhere like New York City. If you want history, there's a bit there but there's also many fun things to do. We could spend weeks there and not get bored."

"That sounds like a good idea, actually," Athena agreed with a head nod. I rolled my eyes. She only thought it was a good idea because it was going against what Sage was saying. Anything that was anti-Sage Athena was all for. I'm surprised Sage still stuck around. I've offered many times to help her move out into a nice apartment. I even told her I would pay the bills, but yet she still decided to stay under the same roof as her eldest sister. It was like she wanted Athena to like her so badly, but she always failed. Honestly, my wife was a jealous b-tch and that was probably never going to change.

"It really doesn't matter to me," Ryker said with a shoulder shrug. "As long as there are fine women wherever we go then I'm all for it. If there's p-ssy, I'm f-cking there!"

"Well, we should vote on it," Lauren suggested seriously. "I like to think that we're a democracy as a family. We believe in fairness so let's vote on this. All that think we should go to a southern state, please raise your hand." I put my hand up in the air, which caused Maddox to mimic me. Along with us, Felix, Jamal, Jett, Charlie, Gabby and Sage rose their hands. We were obviously in the minority with eight votes. "Now, for everyone who wants to go to New York City, please raise your hands." Everyone else's hands raised up, including Aspen's. New York City had gotten eleven votes and was the winner. Bullsh-t.

"Looks like we're going to New York City," Lauren confirmed.

"Well, I'm not driving," I finally spoke up. "That's really going out of the way. Why can't we just hit up a few southern states before heading all the way up north? It's dumb. I think it makes more sense if we start from the bottom and work our way up to the top."

"Well, we'll end up just coming back down here anyways. I mean, we live in f-cking Florida," Ryker pointed out. "It's not like we're visiting every state. Let's just hit up New York City! Don't act like you don't want to go just because Tessa mentioned it!"

"Like I said, I'm not driving all the way from here to New York," I voiced once again.

"Who says you have to drive," Tessa questioned with an eyebrow raised. I ignored her and instead took a sip from my drink. All of this made no sense. Why couldn't we just hit the states close to us really quickly? I didn't mind going to New York, but it could wait until later in the trip. "It's only a thirteen hour drive. I'll drive if you need me to. I can knock it out without stopping."

"See, it's all resolved, baby," Athena said as she looked towards me. "Tessa will drive and if we head out within the next hour we could be there by 10 AM tomorrow." I barely even trusted the b-tch to go on the trip with us, so why would I trust her driving? Running my fingers through my hair, I sighed as everyone looked at me for the 'okay.' If I didn't go along with this then Athena would have a b-tch fit, and I didn't feel like going through that.

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