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I walked into the huge hotel room and closed the door behind me. According to Gabby, Maddox and Aspen were long asleep in their rooms. I nearly cursed her out for leaving them in the hotel room by themselves but then she told me that Kai had gotten back from the strip club early. That definitely wasn't expected. I thought she'd be out with her friends and my brothers until the crack of dawn but it seems I had got in later than she had.

The first thing I did was walk into the kids' room. They were fast asleep and breathing. Thankfully, Trystan didn't do some crazy experiment on them while I was gone. If my siblings were capable of killing Kai and I's old dog, Kanye, then they could mistakenly kill my children. It was a scary thought actually, a very scary one. I liked to think that they all matured since then though. Growing up, they never killed Matty so I guess they wouldn't f-ck up and kill Maddox and Aspen. One could only pray although.

Next, I walked into Kai and I's bedroom. I was surprised to see her awake. She was laying in the dark bedroom with nothing but the light and sound of the flat screen television. When she noticed me, she gave me a slight smile. I smiled back and went to lay in the bed with her. "You're here earlier than I thought," I told her as I snuggled into her. Peering over at the television screen, I saw that she was watching a cartoon. "I'm glad I didn't marry you because of your maturity."

She chuckled ran her fingers through my hair. "Maddox loves this show, and I've watched it so many times with him that I love it. Just like how you love answering all of Dora's questions with Aspen," my wife teased back.

I blushed and rolled my eyes at her. "I do not answer Dora's questions!"

"Yeah, whatever you say, angel," she told me before kissing my nose. "Did you have fun tonight with your girls?" I bit my lower lip as I remembered what had happened. Tessa and I got a bit too close and then I messed up by vocally comparing her and my ex sexually. "You okay?"

"Yeah, it's just...I guess we need to talk," I replied in a voice higher than usual. Before Tessa or anyone else told Kai, I might as well tell her myself. It'd save us from future drama. I'd rather for her to be mad at me now rather than later. My wife looked at me expectantly as I chewed on my bottom lip. How was I going to get this out? "I may or may not have said that Tessa was better than you at sex tonight." Kai began to open her mouth immediately with offense, but I continued. "But only because...I don't know, it was more emotional."


"Yes. You're better at the actual act but she's better at making me feel...," I stumbled over my words and lost my train of thought.

"Special," Kai finished solemnly. I nodded and swallowed hard. "So, how can we fix this?"

"You're not mad?"

"I'm a bit annoyed but that's all. Now, she's going to think she has something against me but we can make this work. I can make you feel special, just tell me what you want." Kai took my hand softly and she gave me a sweet smile.

I smiled back, happy that she took all of this so well. "Just less kink, at least sometimes. You know? I want to make love instead of just having sex."

"There's a difference," Kai asked with a chuckle.

"A huge difference. It's more intimate. We haven't made love since, since before Aspen was born," I responded seriously. She stared at me for a while as if she was trying to figure everything out. "Do you get what I'm saying?"

"I do," she said with a nod before kissing my forehead. "I know exactly what you want, Athena. I'm sorry for not noticing that you weren't happy earlier."

"No, I love our sex life, Kai. It just needs to be a bit more diverse. You've never left me unsatisfied, baby. Don't think that." I kissed her lips gently and she kissed mine back.

Jeopardy Road (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now