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After putting the kids to bed, I decided that I really owed myself a drink after all that's been going on. The upcoming divorce. The chance of Kai dying. My father being in town. All of these were major stressors in my life and I needed a release. I went down to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of red wine. Being overly generous with myself, I filled it all the way to the brim. "Damn, I thought housewives only did this in the reality TV shows," a voice startled me before I could even take a sip from the classy, champagne glass.

I looked up from the glass towards the short-haired blonde that was leaning against the archway to the kitchen. A childish and teasing smirk was on her face as she began walking towards me. "Don't judge me. I've had a very stressing past few days. I deserve this more than anyone else in this house," I replied before carefully picking up the filled champagne glass. I spilled a tad bit on a finger, but I licked it off making sure not to waste a single drop. The woman wiggled her eyebrows at me in a joking manner before sitting at the barstool across from me.

My first sip from the glass already did wonders. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sweet, yet bitter taste of the liquid. "Well don't be greedy. Fill me up as well," Harper demanded as she slapped her hand down on the granite countertop. I chuckled and grabbed another champagne glass from the high cabinet. As I poured into the glass, I could feel her eyes on me in an unfamiliar way. She hadn't looked at me like that in years, maybe because I hadn't seen her so frequently in a past years' time.

The way she looked at me was filled with lust. Her blue eyes scanned my body as if they were trying to capture every detail that they could. Deep inside of them, I could see longing and desperation for me. In a way, I enjoyed the attention that she was giving me. The way she stared at me made me feel ten times better. Part of me wanted her to act out her intentions, but I knew it would be wrong. She couldn't. I wouldn't allow her. The divorce with Kai wasn't finalized just yet. Who was to know with me and Kai, we could possibly work things out? If I was to f-ck Harper then that would be out of the window, if she found out.

Harper took a sip from her glass but her eyes peered onto me. "So, about you and Kat? What happened? You guys were engaged in everything, right?" I really hoped that she and Harper didn't have bad blood. They both were my good friends and I wasn't going to choose between them.

"It was just a mutual decision that things just wasn't going to work out romantically with each other. We're really good friends but very bad lovers. There's no hostility between us. I actually love her more as a person since the breakup. It brought us closer. We talk to each other every day. I talked to her today, actually. She was really down about the whole thing dealing with you and Kai. She always loved Kai. I love her too. No one can ever say that she doesn't love you. She has very good intentions but things always turn bad for her."

We both took a gulp of from our wine glasses. It was great that her and Kat could come to a mutual decision and still be really good friends. It was rare for exes to continue to talk to each other. If Kai and I got a divorce, I would try my best to be cordial but I knew it would be hard to even look at her. "I kind of feel bad for Kai. She tries her best, Thena."

"I know she does. It's just frustrating. We'll see how things go once she's done with everything in Chicago. I'm just tired of the constant crying and the continuous leaving," I admitted to my friend. The wine was starting to set in as I finished my first glass. I poured myself another and topped off Harper's while I was at it. She was rubbing the tip of her index finger against the rim as she gave me her full attention.

Sometimes I wondered what things would be like if I was actually with Harper. Her and Kai were two totally different people. They're personalities were antithetical. Harper was the good girl around the block who everyone loved and cherished. She was the one that everyone always deemed as a kind person, while Kai was nothing but trouble in other's eyes. She was bad and she knew it. In society, Harper was held up higher than Kai by a landslide. Every time I thought about the what ifs, Harper always seemed like the better option, even though I didn't think choosing Kai was a mistake.

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