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Whipping the door open, I faced the soaking cheeks of my younger sister. She looked upset and her eyes seemed soft and full of regret. It was weird for her to come to me like this. I wasn't exactly the nicest person to her so why would she allow me to see her so frail and weak.

Her eyes casted down to the floor as she silently sniffled. "Um, are you okay," I asked her a bit awkwardly as I stared at her with curiosity. What made her come to me in this kind of condition? It had to be something major or big.

I looked back into the room to see that Kai was still on the balcony and Aspen was annoying her older brother. When I turned back to Sage, that's finally when she broke her silence. "I did a horrible thing, Athena," she spoke meekly. "You have never liked me and I've never gave you an actual reason for you not to like me; until today."

What the hell was Sage getting at? No, she wasn't my favorite sister or overall sibling and sure I couldn't stand her most of the time, but I had my reasons. No matter how petty or envious those reasons were, they were still existent. "What did you do, Sage," is all I asked. All I wanted her to do was cut to the chase.

"I-I...th-this afternoon I-I..." I stared at her with annoyance. Why couldn't she just spit out what she had done?! It's not like I could dislike her any more than I already did. "I had sex...with Kai," she finally announced.

Not only did it feel like my heart dropped to my stomach, not only did I forget to breathe for a few seconds, but my veins felt like they were on fire. Without thinking twice, my fist met Sage's jaw. She grimaced with pain as she stumbled back against the wall. Blood poured from her mouth and it made me slightly satisfied.

All these years I knew she would try something with Kai, but I never thought she would actually succeed. Her crush on my wife was evident and it wasn't just an innocent crush like my other sister, Gabby. This crush of Sage was sex-filled and she finally got her desire. Right when Kai wasn't even in her own state of mind, she took advantage of that.

"You f-cking whore! She's my wife! You're my f-cking sister and you f-cked my wife," I screamed out loud with disbelief and anger as my face turned as red as the blood that was coming from her mouth. She stood across from me with fear in her eyes like a little girl. Right now, she had every right to be f-cking fearful. She must've forgotten that my wife was a violent drug lord and over the past years, some of her had even rubbed off on me. Right now, I was just as worse as Kai.

"I'm so sorry! She kissed me first! I tried to push her off of me but I couldn't! I couldn't resist her! We shouldn't have done it, Athena! I'm so sorry! You're my sister and I love you so much," she pleaded to me. Her apology went through one ear and out the other. Kai really couldn't be blamed for the state that she was in. I'm not saying Kai wasn't guilty and I was just as mad with her than Sage at the moment, but Sage was in her right mind and she let this happen!

"No apologies can take back what you did. It's taking all of me not to hit you again or to even kill you! She's my wife! No matter how much we argue or threaten each other, I love her so f-cking much! You're always snooping in our relationship all the time because you wish you were in my spot! Admit it! You wish you could be the one that she married and had kids with, but guess what? You're not! Kai's depressed right now but I know she wouldn't have done this with you if she knew any better."

Sage swallowed hard as she took in all of my words. Fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. Tears were rolling down mine in frustration and anger as well. "Stay away from Kai and my children from now on. If I even see you utter a word to her, I won't even blink to grab that gun from her waistband and kill you myself. Got it?" She quickly nodded her head and began telling me how sorry she was again.

I didn't even bother to listen. I walked back into the hotel room and slammed the door behind me. "You okay, angel," was the first thing I heard once I walked back in. I looked up to Kai and I shook my head at her. She looked at me and her eyes became saddened.

Jeopardy Road (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now